BOC Online Banking (Corporate Services) for corporate and institutional customers are provided by Bank of China Limited Macau Branch. “BOCNET (Corp.)” offers you a wide range of advanced functions, such as account balance enquiry, cheque collection enquiry, loan enquiry, inward remittance enquiry,...
简体中文 | ENGLISH | Accessible Browse Online Banking Home > About Us > OrganizationIntroduction of Bank of China's Institutions Bank of China Domestic Branches Bank of China Overseas Branches - Hong Kong Macau & Taiwan Bank of China Asia-Pacific Area Branches (Excluding Hong Kong Macau & ...
如有查询,请致电本行客户服务热线。 Website maintenance in progress Period: 2024-08-04 (Sunday) 00:30 a.m. - 07:00 a.m. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. For enquiry, please call our Customer Service Hotline. 中國銀行(香港) BOCHK: (852) 3988 2388...
2. Information Enquiry. This service is applicable to those RMB participating banks in Macau. It includes Enquiry of Deposit Interest Rates, RMB Exchange Rates, Sample form / letters, SWIFT Message Input Explanation for RMB Remittances, Bank Name and Bank Code Information of CNAPS., Special Notes...
BOCHK mobile account opening service allows you to open bank account online with ease and enjoy digital and mobile banking services 24x7. Download BOCHK Mobile Banking to learn more mobile account opening offers and integrated account services!
Group Management & Cash Management Services for corporate and institutional customers are provided by Bank of China Limited Macau Branch. The company can inquiry and transfer / polling / sweeping fund from all the corporate account(s) through CBS. ...
publicizing or propagating) shall obtain a prior written permission from the Bank and indicate the contents and their copyrights belong to the Bank. Written applications may be sent to the Bank, Avenida do Doutor Mario Soares, Bank of China Building, Macau. The Bank reserves the right to take...
BOC Macau 4+ Bank of China Limited Macau Branch Designed for iPhone Free iPhone ScreenshotsDescription Brand new BOC Macau APP is launched! BOC Macau APP provides you innovative interface, fantastic financial functions and products, the best user experience and secure system. In this FinTech era...
BOC Macau 4+ Bank of China Limited Macau Branch Designed for iPhone 5.0 • 1 Rating Free iPhone ScreenshotsDescription Brand new BOC Macau APP is launched! BOC Macau APP provides you innovative interface, fantastic financial functions and products, the best user experience and secure system. ...
BOC Macau4+ Bank of China Limited Macau Branch Designed for iPhone 2.7 • 352 Ratings Free iPhone Screenshots Description Brand new BOC Macau APP is launched! BOC Macau APP provides you innovative interface, fantastic financial functions and products, the best user experience and secure system. ...