Shop Bobbi Brown makeup at Sephora. Find universally-flattering foundations, eye shadows and mascaras to help showcase your natural beauty.
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作者:如图 出版社:如图 出版时间:2008-00-00 开本:16开 印刷时间:0000-00-00 页数:221 ,购买SBOBBI BROWN MAKEUP MANUAL (英文原版 博比棕色化妆手册)等艺术相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
Kate Upton is looking sexier than ever in the promo ad forBobbi Brown Hot Nudes Collectionand I have admit I’m already curious to see the new line. The spring 2015 makeup trend set by Bobbi Brown is beautiful bold lip colors while for the eyes we should stick to nude eye shadows. T...
Shop makeup and skincare products on Bobbi Brown Cosmetics online. Learn Bobbi's latest looks, makeup tips and techniques.
Explore limited-edition Bobbi Brown face, eye and lip makeup palettes, skincare gift sets, makeup sets, brush kits and more.
Bobbi Brown is getting back into themakeupcategory with a new brand. Themakeupartist-turned-entrepreneur released her new makeup brand, Jones Road, on Oct. 26, marking her first foray back into the category since she left her namesakebeautybrand four years ago. ...
Bobbi Brown芭比波朗官网 分享207 商品428 返利直达 4% 【Bobbi Brown芭比波朗官网】 Makeup Melter ¥143 20.00美元 汇率7.17 更新于915天前 收入文章 收藏 0 直达链接 历史价 最高38.00美元 最低20.00美元 by 海淘网haitao.com19.7.2222.8.1920304010 海淘网APP提供降价提醒下载APP ...
没有,bobbi brown已经被EL收购了。其实两种彩妆产品都不错。makeup的相对底妆稍微显厚重一点,而bobbi家的更趋向于裸妆感觉。其实因人而已,我两种都用,脸色好的时候我用bobbi家的,反之我则用makeup的
Bobbi Brown, the makeup mogul who pioneered the “no makeup makeup” look in the early 90s, talks about Jones Road and embracing your natural beauty.