另外一款illuminating bronzing powder是送的,与其说它是修容不如说它是腮红,颜色居然是粉色而且带一点珠光。为此专门网上搜了一下,发现当腮红用的人很多而且都是好评。 👉 腮红:只买了一块腮红,橘粉色,很好上色。 👉 眼线膏:买的深棕色眼线膏。本来想买眼线笔,但试了之后觉得眼线膏更自然,所以买了眼线膏。
最近在丝芙兰看到Bobbi Brown的Face & Cheek Palette,色号Light,七折叠加八五折的优惠,果断入手了!打完折不到30美元,超级大一盘,性价比超高!这盘粉质压得很实,整体感觉干干的,但粉质细腻,很好晕染。不过,粉质有点原料味儿,没有那些香香的粉质好闻。🌟 古铜粉:Golden Light 这是一个非常正的阳光古铜色,暖色...
Bobbi Brown's Brown's Nude Finish Illuminating Powder instantly sets makeup and delivers an airbrushed finish. Free Shipping and Returns on Powders.
#JK资讯# Bobbi Brown 2017夏季彩妆系列 “Bobbi Brown Follow the Sun Collection Summer 2017” 产品包括 1.Bobbi Brown Illuminating Bronzing Powder (€39) 色号:Antigua、Maui、Santa Barbara 2.Bobbi Bro...
Bobbi Brown's Brown's Nude Finish Illuminating Powder instantly sets makeup and delivers an airbrushed finish. Free Shipping and Returns on Powders.
Bobbi Brown精选,速看! 探索Bobbi Brown 的世界,为你带来一系列精选产品的深度评测! 🌈 Bronzed Nudes Edition Eye Palette: 裸色魅力,这款眼影盘让你轻松打造自然妆感,比 Lunasol 的 nude 盘更实用,粉盘则需谨慎使用,以免眼皮显得肿胀。 💄 Art Stick Liquid Lip: 这款口红干燥度极高,建议使用刷具涂抹,持...
Bobbi Brown Maui Illuminating Bronzing Powder ($42.00 for 0.28 oz.) is a bright pop of medium pink with subtle, warm undertones and fine, golden shimmer. I
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Bobbi Brown Shimmer Cheek Glow 选择:Beautylish doesn't carry this product. Want it? Enter your email and we'll notify you of availability updates. Want It Like Details Ingredients Bobbi's love for the beach inspired her limited edition Shimmer Cheek Glow. This skin-illuminating powder ...
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