Discover Bobbi Brown's take on classic red lips with step-by-step expert tips on how to rock red lipstick & our universally flattering red lip color.
Shop Bobbi Brown lipstick & lip color for a range of formulas and shades with comfortable, lasting wear. Plus, find lipsticks in colors to complement every skin tone.
Shop makeup and skincare products on Bobbi Brown Cosmetics online. Learn Bobbi's latest looks, makeup tips and techniques.
🌞 新品首发!Bobbi Brown细金管Desert Sun口红,也被大家亲切地称为长金管,这个色号预计会非常火爆哦!Desert Sun沙漠太阳色号来自Bobbi Brown最新发布的Luxe Shine Intense Lipstick系列,质地滋润有光泽,显色度也非常棒! 🍅 如果你错过了New York Sunset,那么来看看这支Desert Sun吧!它是一款奶油般的番茄色,听...
2023年,Bobbi Brown带来了GOLDEN GLAMOUR(鎏金舞会)系列,以璀璨金色魅力唤醒舞池和派对的金色魅力时代。🎨 奢华腮红高光盘 - Luxe Blush & Highlight Palette 两种色号可选:金色暖调的 "Golden Glow" 和粉红色调的 "Rose Glow"。三色高光腮红盘,集高光和腮红于一体,为面部增添立体感。👁️ 奢华眼影盘 - ...
Bobbi Brown Luxe Defining LipstickCollection for Fall 2020 is a new exciting upcoming launch. To be honest for the past week, Bobbi Brown launches have been on my lips more than they have been the entire year. It looks like Bobbi Brown has been a busy bee lately so we are going to se...
👄 #SAM老师##SAM美妆肌地##bobbibrown芭比波朗##bobbibrowncosmetics##bobbi brown##bobbibrown##芭比波朗##BobbiBrown柔雾云朵唇霜##柔雾云朵唇霜##云霜轻盈##茶棕柔雾唇##Lip stick##Lipstick##make up##makeup##云朵唇霜##唇霜##唇彩##彩妆##唇妆# @BobbiBrownChina 2中国台湾·內湖捷運站 ...
Bobbi Brown Luxe Lipstick - Ruby at ASOS. Shop this season’s must haves with multiple delivery and return options (Ts&Cs apply).
Bobbi Brown推出LUXE SHINE INTENSE LIPSTICK系列,其中金色细管Bold Honey备受瞩目。 💄 这款唇膏滋润度满分,官方描述为中调棕色裸色,带有榛子奶茶般的棕色调,显色度出色,薄涂厚涂皆宜。 🌰 适合秋冬季节和日常妆容,搭配南瓜色或橘棕色眼影,能打造出日杂妆感,不挑肤色。
Bobbi Brown Metro Red is a moderately warm-toned, light-medium red with a cream finish. It is a permanent lipstick that retails for $40.00 and contains 0.13 oz.