Boba Fett was a human male crime lord and former bounty hunter whose career spanned decades, from the fall of the Galactic Republic to the end of the rule of the Galactic Empire. Originally code-named Alpha, he was an unaltered clone of the famed Mandalo
The Book of Boba Fett is more overtly a western than any other Star Wars installment. Joseph Shirley’s acoustic-infused score and Rodriguez’s spiritually grounded direction paint the sands of Tatooine with a gritty intensity and desolation that harken back to films like The Good, The Bad and...
DeathstickBounty Hunter Khel Tanna T'onga Connor FreemanHalf-clone half brother of Boba Fett Garsa Fwip Wac Bur Omega See more in the Fett Facts parent category.↓ Advertisement ↓ Shop by Star Wars Character on↑ Only recommended Boba Fett and Star Wars merchant links ...
We wouldn't be surprised if the show explores Fett's previous relationship with Fennec Shand – after all, Shand features heavily inThe Bad Batch(set a couple of decades before The Book of Boba Fett), where she's already had dealings with Boba Fett's clone 'sister' Omega. But possibly t...
appearance of Fennec Shand, a lethal mercenary and the co-star ofThe Book of Boba Fett. The episode shows that, even early in her career, Shand is one of the galaxy’s most dangerous mercenaries, able to fight off theelite commandos of Clone Force 99in pursuit of her target, Omega. ...
The-Bets Boba-Fett Nice The-Bets Boba-Fett 17 7月 2021 Lol Studios Twopointow sauce? jk The-Bets Boba-Fett·作者 Ivan, what sauce Infinite Universedestroyer I think i know where this is going again The-Bets Boba-Fett·作者 Universedestroyer, hahaha where u get that line ...