”“almighty mountains” and “fluffy clouds” over the course of his 11-year television career on his PBS show, “The Joy of Painting.” In total, Ross painted 381 works on the show, relying on a distinct set of elements, scenes and themes, and thereby providing thousands of data points...
Ross was one of the main food vendors at the Firefighters' Indian River County Fair midway, an event that was cancelled two hours before its scheduled opening. “We had an inkling it was going to happen, people were at the gate,” said Ross. Shortly...
intentional or otherwise — that attempts to connect us to Marley through time, though it doesn't always work. The movie's flashbacks enter the edit without overt flourishes, as though they were simply scenes unfolding in the "now." Bob Marley is eternal, after all, but what he represents...
Her winning formula, in novels like "Princess Daisy" and "I'll Take Manhattan," featured beautiful characters with jet-setting lifestyles and romantic storylines with plenty of sex scenes. The New York Times reports her 10 popular novels together sold more than 85 million copies and were transla...