The film was directed by Peter Yates and the teleplay adapted by John Mortimer from the Cervantes novel, produced by Dyson Lovell and Robert Halmi Sr. and John Lithgow as executive producers. The original music was by Richard Hartley and the cinematography by David Connell. The film completed ...
But there is still no substitute for a live class discussion, having an in person interaction with someone like IDEO's marketing head Whitney Mortimer or earlier stage venture capitalist Michael Dearing, or sitting down, face to face, and going through line after line of a draft with a studen...
Walt Disney told interviewers later that he was inspired to draw Mickey by a tame mouse he had named Mortimer that he fed each day at his desk at his Laugh-O-gram Studio in Kansas City, Missouri.“They used to fight for little pieces of cheese in my waste-basket when I worked alone ...