Ziggy Marley is developing a biopic on his late father Bob Marley, who popularized reggae music. The Paramount Pictures film is in the early stages of development with no director, writers, or producers attached. Bob Marley, a native of Jamaica, began performing in 1963 with The Wailers then...
In its second weekend,Bob Marley: One Lovecame out on top again. The headlines last week touted its opening of over $51 million, but that was over a six-day stretch. The film’s weekend haul was $28.6 million, which then fell 53% this week down to $13.5 million to bring its...
"Bob Marley: One Love" remains No. 1 on this week's domestic box office chart with an estimated $13.4 million to $14 million.
Magnolia Pictures has acquired U.S. rights toMarley, the first documentary about iconic musician Bob Marley made with the support of the Marley family. The film will open in theaters and on VOD and digital platforms April 20, after its world premiere at the Berlin film festival. VH1 ...
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