"Although I might disagree in what is decided, I do have respect for the commissioner, and believe he is doing what he perceives to be in the best interest of the 32," Kraft added. In addition to the fines against the Patriots organization, quarterback Tom Brady, the Super Bowl MV...
新英格兰爱国者老板Bob Kraft就Tom Brady退役发表了声明,全文如下。 ———任何华丽的辞藻都无法形容我对Tom Brady的情感,而我的家庭,新英格兰爱国者,以及爱国者的球迷们也很难用言语来形容这样一...
新英格兰_Patriots 2017-1-30 13:34 生在麻省,长在麻省的爱国者老板Bob Kraft自己就是个超级球迷,他从1971年起就持有球队的季票,直至接手爱国者。1994年,Kraft以1亿7千2百万美元、当时的历史最高价完成收购,走上前台。时至今日,这笔投资的收益已经翻了接近20倍,目前爱国者市值高达34亿美元,在NFL排第二,在...
A matter of millions For the right project, Patriots owner Bob Kraft still has deep pocketsRichard Kindleberger, Globe Staff
Re-live when Bob Kraft flew the UNH Men's Soccer Team to Oregon on the Pats' Plane When UNH Athletics had trouble arranging a charter flight to Oregon for the men's soccer team for the NCAA Tournament they turned to the New England Patriots for a lift. ...
Since last week's interview with THE Voice of The New England Patriots was erased by an actual bolt of lightning, we hit Bob Socci today with these 3 rapid fire questions.
After playing guard on offense and linebacker on defense for the Fighting Irish, he was ignored by the NFL Draft, and only managed to get picked by the AFL's Boston Patriots in the 13th round. He played for the Patriots from 1962 to 1968, then went on become captain of the Miami ...
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Patriots` owner Bob Kraft helped soak Bon Jovi for the ice bucket challenge.LAUREN LYSTER, DON DAHLER
新英格兰_Patriots 18-06-13 09:15 爱国者老板Bob Kraft今天透露,由于进展非常顺利,教练组决定,新赛季第一阶段的备战工作提前三天结束,球员们将即将迎来长达六周左右的假期。老板说,过去的一周,Brady和Gronk等核心球员都参加了训练,教练组不仅按计划完成了技战术演练,同时也对团队建设的成果感到满意。Kraft还强调...