Angela Bassett's powerful turn as Wallace's mother and the hypnotizing soundtrack are equally impressive. Its all-encompassing narrative — which delves into the MC's Brooklyn school years, turbulent relationships withLil' KimandFaith Evans, and involvement in the East Coast/West Coast rivalry that...
Mr Brian Bennett and Mr John Bird represent the British Legion at Brownhills Canalside Festival a few years ago. Image kindly supplied by David Evans. The young David Evans wrote to me last week to ask me if I’d do an old friend a favour: That I might remind readers on the wonderful ...
Location: North of the intersection of Tallawanda Rd. and Sycamore St. Capacity: 10,935 Seating chart The tour is being billed as Bob Dylan and his Band and Phil Lesh and Friends. Showtime: 7:30 PM Ticket price: $30.00 Reserved seating ...