I met Bob Evans at “Jazz at the Lake” at Wallowa Lake, Oregon, in 1990, and we remained friends and correspondents until his death. The following is a revision of a piece I wrote on Aug. 5, 2009, the day after he died: When Bob was first sick and had managed to fight the ca...
5/6 Oregon - Peak 4,377ft - 2 others 5/5 Trinity Alps: Limestone Ridge 5/4 Trinity Alps: Little Granite 5/3 Browns Mtn. - Browns Mtn. South 4/30 Peak 1,340ft 4/26 East Sparks Area (NV) 4/25 Sun Valley Peak (NV) 4/24 Golden Valley Peak - Red Hill (NV) 4/...
安大略ontario oregon 昂托纳贡县Ontonagon County 奥帕洛卡Opalocka 奥珀卢瑟斯Opelousas 奥兰治Orange 奥兰治市Orange City 奥兰治县Orange County 奥兰治县Orange County 奥兰治帕克Orange Park 奥兰治堡Orangeburg 奥兰治堡Orangeburg 奥查德帕克Orchard Park 奥德维尔(UT)orderville 奥勒姆Orem 奥兰帕克Orland Park 奥兰多...
https://slate.com/culture/2018/09/bob-woodwards-new-book-fear-trump-in-the-white-house-reviewed.html Isaac Chotiner writes in Slate: Nearly 300 pages into Bob Woodward’s new book, Fear: Trump in the White House, a West Wing aide named Zach Fuentes cautions fellow staffers. With depress...
It turned out that Bashara was living a double life - a Rotary president and son of a late judge who dabbled in bondage and domination in a sex dungeon under a bar called the Hard Luck Lounge. Jurors heard from Bashara's mistress as well as other women from Oregon and Chicago. ...
Reviews (thanks to Marilyn Di Carlo -Ames, William Feinberg, Stephen Scobie, Russell Kelly, Tim Whittome, Roger & Claire Cutler and Jay) Set List (thanks to Ed & Michelle andJay Powers for the phone calls) March 11 Portland, Oregon--(Friday) TOP...
5/6 Oregon - Peak 4,377ft - 2 others 5/5 Trinity Alps: Limestone Ridge 5/4 Trinity Alps: Little Granite 5/3 Browns Mtn. - Browns Mtn. South 4/30 Peak 1,340ft 4/26 East Sparks Area (NV) 4/25 Sun Valley Peak (NV) 4/24 Golden Valley Peak - Red Hill (NV) 4/...