Boat security system, yacht security system, gps boat tracking, surveillance, NOAA VMS and boat and yacht monitoring system.
Boat Electrics & Electronics Ltd has been delivering best-in-class marine electronic and electrical solutions since 1974.
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Electronic monitoring system allays range anxiety.Low PointsEquivalent internal-combustion powered runabout would cost half—or even less. Ironically, despite all this boat’s technology, it is a single straight inboard, and thus demands more experience to dock than boats with directional-thrust drivetr...
Skyhawk Oversea’s app-based boat security and monitoring system is a cinch to install. Use our guide to get it done right. Boating Gear Night-Vision Technology for Boaters The latest advances in night-vision technology can help you stay on course or avoid objects when boating in the dark....
BOULDER, COLORADO (USA) – Blue Guard Innovations™ (BGI) has launched BG-Link, a wireless boat monitoring and alert system with no subscription fee for its Wi-Fi only configuration. BG-Link is available in three different configurations: BG-Link-W (Wi-Fi), -C (Cellular), and -G (Gl...
This push-pull system (Patent No. CDN. 1206642, 1158136; US 4512451, 4280371, Further Patent Pending) has proven to be a tremendous success due to its exceptional performance and durability. >> Read More About Push-Pull Controls Pneumatic Controls Kobelt pneumatic controls have been around for...
Pilot Boat Engines that Maximize Uptime Maintain port and harbor operations with pilot boat engines backed by 24/7 global support. Make Sure You Are Mission Ready Thoughtful Design Move your fleet forward with products expertly designed to meet performance and compliance requirements that are unique ...
I am in the cold chain monitoring business for commercial trailer and warehouse temp monitoring. With these temps, I am always comforted to get alarms if bilge temperatures drop. I was getting little anxious not seeing a heat rise till last night... ...
While off-boat monitoring was already getting better and more competitive, finally one of the big four marine electronics brands is about to join the fray. Navico’s GoFree Connected Vessel concept is not just important because it will be marketed and serviced worldwide, but also because the ...