No. On the HBO TV show, Nucky adopts Margaret Schroeder's two children around the time that Margaret and Nucky marry. In researchingThe Boardwalk Empiretrue story, we discovered that the real Nucky Thompson (Nucky Johnson) never had any children. His brother, who is depicted as having a rat...
Boardwalk Empire: Created by Terence Winter. With Steve Buscemi, Kelly Macdonald, Michael Shannon, Shea Whigham. An Atlantic City politician plays both sides of the law by conspiring with gangsters during the Prohibition era.
Tommy Darmody: Ryan’s a sap. Margaret Schroeder: I would be honored to name my child after you. Nucky Thompson: Enoch? You couldn’t possibly be so cruel. Nucky Thompson: Stupid bohunk. Mickey Doyle: It’s just a gag, okay. Nucky: Yeah, you’re a real pistol. Mickey: My name’s...
At a countdown to midnight blast at Babette's Supper Club, he flirts with Margaret Schroeder, a pretty, pregnant wife looking for help getting her abusive husband Hans a job, and assures Jimmy Darmody, a recently returned WWI vet, that his appointment as "Man Friday" to the new Chief ...
Schroeder KellyMacDonald饰演MargaretSchroeder 和Hans Schroeder结婚的爱尔兰移民Margaret是女性戒酒联盟的会员,在某程度 上她是受爱发酒疯丈夫的影响而加入这个组织的。有生还者的精神、美 貌与智慧并重的她,在有权势的男人的面前依然能保持自我,她的个性
更复杂的是Nucky正和一个叫Margaret Schroeder (Kelly Macdonald饰)的女人打得火热,一心想将她从水生火热的不幸婚姻中给解救出来。 这部戏还请来Michael Kenneth Williams (《火线重案组》) 扮演一位美国黑人社区领袖??Chalky White。由Gretchen Mol扮演歌舞女郎Gillian,Dabney Coleman扮演Nucky的顾问还有Paz de la ...
"Boardwalk Empire" HBO Kelly Macdonald as Margaret Schroeder, mistress and later wife of "Nucky" Thompson (Steve Buscemi), in "Boardwalk Empire." Screen Actors Guild Awards FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images Steve Buscemi (center) is pictured in the press room at the 18th Annual Screen Actor...
Margaret Schroeder Lucy Danziger Annabelle Season One ::Season Two “As you know, in less than two 2 hours, liquor will be declared illegal by decree by the distinguished gentlemen of our nation’s Congress … those beautiful, ignorant bastards!” ~ Nucky Thompson ...
Boardwalk Empire: Directed by Martin Scorsese. With Steve Buscemi, Michael Pitt, Kelly Macdonald, Michael Shannon. In 1920 Atlantic City, politician Enoch 'Nucky' Thompson makes arrangements to operate a liquor smuggling business during the early days of
This Margaret Schroeder. 那个玛格丽特·施罗德 Yes? 怎么了 What's going on there? 你跟她怎么回事 She's a lovely person, Eli. I'm sure she's a peach. 她很可人 伊莱 的确美若桃花 She's also a widow, remember, 但你该知道她是个寡妇 ...