to essentials, take away electronic devices, and suspend privileges until he could start improving his grades - caused a small firestorm in Kentucky that he didn't anticipate.The issue, according to the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology, is that by offering such one-on-one advice, Mr...
we make recommendations for revisions to the applicable legislation and administrative processes of the Board to establish an improved balance between public safety, the well-being of new psychologists, equity considerations such as race, and the development of the practice of...
David Susman, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist with 25 years of experience providing treatment to individuals with mental illness and substance use concerns. He is also an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, award-winning blogger, and the founding director of Ea...
BGEBlue Grass Energy(cooperative; Kentucky) BGEBranch If Greater or Equal BGEBibliothèque de Genève(French: Geneva Library; Geneva, Switzerland) BGEBacterial Growth Efficiency BGEBoursiers du Gouvernement Français(French: French Government Grant) ...
University of Bologna Benjamin Nephew Associate Professor Faculty of Science and Engineering University of Groningen Uri Shalev Associate Professor Department of Psychology Concordia University Biology Section Charles J. Dimitroff Associate Professor Department of Dermatology Harvard Medical Sch...
David served eight years as a County Peace Officer in Kentucky. In 1991 Dave founded Flamingo Air and it developed into a full time Air Carrier operation. He and his wife Sharon McGee have further developed Flamingo Air Academy which is now global in scope and Cincinnati’s premier Flight and...
Ms. Campbell holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Central Connecticut State University. Board CommitteesPosition Audit Committee Member Ashley Goldsmith Director Ashley Goldsmith has served as Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer of Workday, Inc., since 2013. Prior to joining Wo...
University of Cambridge Institute of Criminology, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 9DA, United Kingdom Andrea L. Glenn The University of Alabama Department of Psychology, 101 E-McMillan Building, Tuscaloosa, 35487-0348, Alabama, United States of America ...
DIB Department of Integrative Biology (various universities) DIB Defense Industrial Base DIB Defense Institution Building (program; various organizations) DIB DCGS Integration Backbone DIB Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (Psychology) DIB Diameter Inside Bark (logging) DIB Device Interface Board DIB Diff...
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America Developmental Editor Neha Goel Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Psychology, Richmond, Virginia, United States of America Editorial Board W. Stewart Agras Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, United ...