2 There is also an option to earn "added qualifications" within the pharmacotherapy specialty in two specific areas, cardiology and infectious diseases,...Kathryn A. Connor, Pharm.D.Leslie A. Hamilton, Pharm.D.American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy...
The Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) is an administratively independent agency started by and physically housed on the premises of the American Pharmacists Association. The BPS is totally separate and distinct from ACCP. The BPS, via its specialty councils, is responsible for specialty examination...
Qualifying preceptor hours are defined as the provision of direct patient care as an NP while serving as a clinical preceptor for advanced practice students affiliated with dentistry, nursing, medicine, pharmacy, or physician assistant programs. Q: Where do I find the Preceptorship Form? A: The ...
Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties Specialty Certification Examination in Nuclear Pharmacyelectronic publisheronline databasesonline resourcesAustralasian research informationscholarly researche-titlescommissioningpublishinginformation sourceslibrary resourcesNois available for this article.doi:10.1002/jppr2002324301Chan...
Results Of Board Of Pharmacy Specialties Examinations AnnouncedBoard of Pharmacy Specialties
Specializing Opens Doors: The Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties now certifies pharmacists in oncology, psychiatric pharmacy, nuclear pharmacy, nutrition support, and pharmacotherapy.doi:10.1016/S1086-5802(16)30219-4ElaineFriebeleSDOSJournal of the American Pharmaceutical Association...
A Petition to the Board of Pharmacy Specialties Requesting Recognition of Critical Care Pharmacy Practice as a SpecialtyFalcione, Bonnie AHaas, Curtis EHess, Mary MManolakis, Patti GRothholz, Mitchel CSkelton, Jann BWebb, C EdwinWitmer, David R...