Traductions de board dans le dictionnaire anglais»français Afficher le résumé de tous les résultats I.board [ bɔːd, bɔrd] SUBST 1. board (plank): board planche f 2. board ADMIN: board conseil m board of directors conseil d'administration to sit or be on the board...
Traductions de boogy board dans le dictionnaire anglais»français I.board[GBbɔːd,Ambɔrd]SUBST 1. board(plank): board planchef 2. boardADMIN: board conseilm boardofdirectors conseild'administration tositorbeontheboard(ofdirectors)...
Français (traduction par IA) Svenska (AI översatt) Login Request a Demo Solutions Governance Solutions for Highly Effective Boards Nasdaq Boardvantage Board Portal The software thatempowers your board, from a name you trust. Nasdaq Boardvantage® helps directors, committees, and leadership team...
Directors’ & Officers’ (D&O) Questionnaires -> Compliance Questionnaires -> Increase transparency with ESG reporting. Simplify the process of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data capture, engagement, oversight, and disclosure. Nasdaq Metrio -> ESG Advisory Program -> Increase tran...
board of directors conseil d'administration to sit or be on the board (of directors) siéger au conseil d'administration board of inquiry commission f d'enquête board of editors comité m de rédaction board of examiners jury m d'examen board of governors ENS comité m de gestion d...