1. GIG - Good in Game Boardgame Center Ruko Sentra Niaga 5/10 No.32 (Harapan Indah), Bekasi, Jakarta Gaming Cafe· No tips or reviews 2. La Guarida 8.4 Blvd. Rogelio Cantú 1000 (Anillo Periférico), 蒙特雷, 新萊昂州 Theme Restaurant· 7 tips and reviews 3. La Madriguera: Board ...
When I worked in Newcastle for a few months, my one lifeline to home was the one deck I had brought with me on the trip so that I could play Magic. I got second in that prerelease, by the way. I've never seen a British man look as frightened as he was when reading my very ...
but here’s a brief round-up of “games played” at Saturday’s Newcastle Gamers, while it’s all still relatively fresh in my head. First, a quick warm-up 4-player game of Fancy Feathers — vs Olly, Owain and Pete — while we waited for (a slightly-delayed) Lindsey to arrive. (...
play on: www.boardgamearena.com Collections: Prev. Owned, Wishlist 6 Eilsano Dec 2024 Newcastle, NSW · Australia Collections: 6 roptro Dec 2024 Tongeren-Borgloon · Belgium Collections: Tallman Dec 2024 Phoenix, Arizona · United States NIS Collections: Own, For Trade 8 ...
Tom has a fab tile-laying pick-up and-deliver game on the go. And I have a new party game, which I've been testing for the last few weeks (it's a lot of fun!). I also enjoyed a visit to the first meeting of the Oxford Playtest group at Thirsty Meeples boardgame cafe last ...
but here’s a brief round-up of “games played” at Saturday’s Newcastle Gamers, while it’s all still relatively fresh in my head. First, a quick warm-up 4-player game of Fancy Feathers — vs Olly, Owain and Pete — while we waited for (a slightly-delayed) Lindsey to arrive. (...