Define BNS. BNS synonyms, BNS pronunciation, BNS translation, English dictionary definition of BNS. Noun 1. BNS - a bachelor's degree in naval science Bachelor of Naval Science bachelor's degree, baccalaureate - an academic degree conferred on someone wh
Today we operate in fewer than 30. In that time, we have redeployed and reinvested approximately $13 billion in our core businesses and geographies through on-strategy, focused acquisitions. Throughout the decade we have continued to grow in key markets across our Americas footprint, and today,...
(TSX) High Low Close Shares outstanding (millions) Average – Basic Average – Diluted End of period Dividends per share ($) Dividend yield (%)(8) Market capitalization ($ millions)(TSX) Book value per common share ($) Market value to book value multiple Price to earnings multiple 64.10 ...
(TSX) High Low Close Shares outstanding (millions) Average - Basic Average - Diluted End of period Dividends per share ($) Dividend yield(6) (%) Market capitalization ($ millions) (TSX) Book value per common share ($) Market value to book value multiple Price to earnings multiple (...