安活醫學影像 BNS Medical Imaging Limited 透過先進的影像技術提供優質及高效的磁力共振 (MRI) 、超聲波(ULTRASOUND)、身體檢查(Health Check)及X光(X-RAY)醫學診斷服務。所有醫學診斷服務由經驗豐富的放射科醫療團隊提供。兩間影像中心位於中環及尖沙咀,交通便利。Homeht
In the Healthcare Application Layer proposed in the BNS framework, the user can set several simulation parameters, such as the medical device type, operation mode and the number of transmission retries. Table 2 summarizes all parameters and their possible values are shown. Table 2. BNS Healthcare...