BNP Paribas Cardif is a global specialist in personal insurance in 33 countries and plays a major role in providing financing for the economy.
BNP Paribas Cardif is extremely attentive to the changes and challenges induced by the digital revolution and the economic crisis. It draws on its extensive expertise to create innovative savings and insurance solutions designed to deliver performance. Customers can subscribe to these policies with compl...
As part of this, we have adopted strong principles across the Group to ensure the protection of your data. As such, we would like to provide you with transparent information about how we place, use and store cookies on your device when you use our website (the ...
BNP Paribas Cardif Cardif-Assurances Risques Divers S.A. Beijing Representative Office Room 2024, China World Tower A, 1 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100004, P.R.C Map & route
BNP Paribas Cardif has70 executives and 2 subsidiaries- and belongs toBNP Paribas +33 141 428 300 Add an executive BNP Paribas Cardif (BNP) News Anything missing? We search for you. Print or download Communications ...
BNP Paribas Cardif General Information Description BNP Paribas Cardif SA Compania de Segurosy Reaseguros provides insurance and reinsurance services for general risk for people living in Peru. Contact Information Website Formerly Known As BNP Paribas Assurance Ownership Status ...
29 completed the sale of its stake in Italian bancassurer Cargeas Assicurazioni (CARGEAS) to BNP Paribas Cardif, for €178 million (US$213.6 million) in cash. Ageas and BNP Paribas Cardif have operated CARGEAS as a joint … Next Page » Most Popular Now This Week Mansion at Risk of...
Part of the eighth largest bank in the world, BNP Paribas Cardif Japan are beginning their process automation journey with the claims process – a vital point in their mortgage insurance. They have deployed a workflow solution to simplify the process, then automated the validation, assessment and...
复星国际拟向BNP Paribas Cardif出售1540.12万股Ageas SA/NV股份 来源:新浪港股 复星国际(00656)发布公告,于2024年4月12日(中欧时间),公司与买方BNP Paribas Cardif签订协议,据此,公司有条件及不可撤回地同意出售及买方有条件及不可撤回地同意购买不超过1540.12万股出售股份,总代价最低金额约为欧元6.26...
Olivier Héreil, Deputy CEO in charge of asset management, BNP Paribas Cardifdeclared: “We are proud to support the launch of this social integrated offer. As a responsible investor, it reinforces our commitment to combining financial performance and positive social impact.” ...