1. Toshio Nishikimi, Yasuaki Nakagawa. Potential pitfalls when interpreting plasma BNP levels in heart failure practice. Journal of Cardiology. 2021; June 1. 2. Weber M, Hamm C. Role of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and NT-proBNP in ...
1. Toshio Nishikimi, Yasuaki Nakagawa. Potential pitfalls when interpreting plasma BNP levels in heart failure practice. Journal of Cardiology. 2021; June 1. 2. Weber M, Hamm C. Role of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and NT-proBNP in clinical routine. Heart. 2006; 92(6): 843-849. 3...
参考文献 Nishikimi, T. and Y. Nakagawa, Potential pitfalls when interpreting plasma BNP levels in heart failure practice. Journal of Cardiology, 2021. 78(4): p. 269-274.
Nishikimi, T. and Y. Nakagawa, Potential pitfalls when interpreting plasma BNP levels in heart failure practice. Journal of Cardiology, 2021. 78(4): p. 269-274. 内容| 美如
Am Heart J. 2006;151:1006-1011.Brenden CK, Hollander JE, Guss D, McCullough PA, Nowak R, Green G, et al. Gray zone BNP levels in heart failure patients in the emergency department: results from the Rapid Emergency Department Heart Failure Outpatient Trial (REDHOT) multicenter study. Am ...
Nishikimi, T. and Y. Nakagawa, Potential pitfalls when interpreting plasma BNP levels in heart failure practice. Journal of Cardiology, 2021. 78(4): p. 269-274. 内容| 美如 编辑| 舍予 转载声明 本站仅提供存储服务,所有内容均由用户发布,如发现有害或侵权内容,请...
levelsweresignificantlyloweratdischarge.Conclusion:PlasmaBNPcanbeusedfor screeningforheartdisease,todetermineleftventricularsystolicanddiastolic disorders,objectivelyreflectthedegreeofheartfailure,agoodcorrelationwith NYHAclassificationandinthetreatmentofheartfailurepatientsalsoshowedagood ...
脑钠肽(bnp)与心力衰竭的研究进展-教学课件,幻灯,PPT OutcomesinPatientsHospitalizedWithHF 100HospitalReadmissions 100 Mortality 75 50% 50 20% 25 75 50% 50 33% 25 12% 0 30 6 days mo MedianhospitalLOS:6days JongPetal.ArchInternMed.2002;162:1689 0 30 12 5 daysmo yr ...
(2)BNP < 35 ng/L、NT-proBNP < 125 ng/L 时通常可排除慢性心衰,但其敏感度和特异度较急性心衰低。 2.部分有症状的射血分数保留的心力衰竭(HFpEF)患者表现为低水平的 BNP,发生率为 13%~37%,因此对于某些 HFpEF 患者,低水平利钠肽并不能排除 HFpEF 诊断。
BNP and NT-proBNP have been established as a biomarker for heart failure patients presenting dyspnea. But many pitfalls are present for interpreting the BNP value. For example, the presence of renal dysfunction, age, female sex, atrial fibrillation, inflammation, hyperthyroidism, use of sacubitril...