European Frequency and Time Forum, 1999 and the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, 1999., Proceedings of the 1999 Joint Meeting of theA. Makdissi "The BNM-LPTF cesium beam frequency standard", Proc. Joint European Forum on Time and Frequency and the 53rd Frequency Control ...
The BNM-LPTF Software for the Frequency Comparison of Atomic Clocks by the Carrier Phase of the GPS Signal.Provides information on a study which described the software and equipment used for frequency comparisons between two remote clocks at the Laboratoire primaire du temps et des frequences du ...
de Clercq, "Evaluation of the accuracy of the optically pumped caesium beam primary frequency standard of the BNM-LPTF," Metrologia 38, 409-425 (2001).Evaluation of the accuracy of the optically pumped caesium beamprimary frequency standard of BNM-LPTF. Makdissi A,Clercq E. Metrologia . ...
Giovanni DanieleAcefO.IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & MeasurementRovera G. D., Acef O., Absolute Frequency Measurement of Mid-Infrared Secondary Frequency Standards at BNM-LPTF, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Measur., 1999, 48, 571-573.J.D. ROVERA et O. ACEF : Absolute frequency measurement ...