"a(b,c)=b*cra(1+2,2*3)" 请帮助改进BNF,它可以用来成功编写计算器。 编辑: 这个BNF真的没有完成。它不会正确处理案例“2 + -3”(应该失败,但不会)和“2 +( - 3)”(不应该失败,但确实如此)。
Hier findest du den BIC/SWIFT-Code für BISON BANK, S.A. in Portugal. Überprüfe den SWIFT-Code deiner Bank und erhalte alle Daten, die du für eine internationale Überweisung brauchst.
Source code for paper "As Simple as Fine-tuning: LLM Alignment via Bidirectional Negative Feedback Loss" - MaoXinn/BNF
Generate BNF from code. RR Diagram is a Java library that generates railroad diagrams (also called syntax diagrams) from code or from BNF notation. The output format is a very compact SVG image which can be integrated to web pages and where rules can contain links. RR Diagram can also be...
英语翻译※ BNF's Bank Code:NACFKRSE Bank Name:Nation Agricultural Federation,Puk-Incheon Branch.Address:931-51 Gyesan-dong,Gyeyang-gu,Incheon,407-740 Korea ※ Beneficiary BNF's A/C No.:176-01-161083 Name :terKyungin Women's College International Education Cen Address:548-4 Gyesan-dong,G...
近半年出现了严重的胸痛,7月份因为痛的厉害,去过医院,查过ct。后来急诊大夫让我去消化科了。吃了三个月的雷贝拉挫。 下面的网址是我的ct云胶片。 https://m.yzhcloud.com/pocketfilm/index.php?m=home&c=index&a=itemdetails_qrcode&token=uHh6ncvnqbNFuuH+1QJOeQ==&inpat=&...
Inspect the source code for PostWoman Http Test - version 1.2.7
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