New Orleans chef Susan Spicer has been a regular contributor to the Taste of the NFL charity event at Super Bowl host cities around the country and is doing so in her hometown again this year.
Gayle Benson is the wife of the late Tom Benson, who made his money in car dealerships and banking. Gayle Benson inherited the New Orleans Saints and the New Orleans Pelicans when her husband died in 2018. The Bensons are known for their extraordinary charity work, giving to Catholic causes...
Treme's Petit Jazz Museum 390 米 實用資料 性價比8.2 位置評分9.6 最近機場紐奧良路易阿姆斯壯國際機場 (MSY) 距離機場18.9 公里 新奧爾良住宿加早餐旅館空房狀況 客房(特大床) (King Room) 房間面積:26 平方米/280 平方呎 景觀: 庭園景 1 張特大床 ...
The Louisiana Landmarks Society annually publishes an eclectic mix list of NewOrleans' most endangered sites ranging from abandoned police stations and famous jazz musician's homes to public tennis courts and old cemeteries. On the 2010 list appeared `abandoned and decommissioned churches and places ...
此外,新奥尔良芭蕾舞协会和Treme's Petit Jazz Museum也是值得一游的景点。在这些地方,您可以欣赏到精彩的舞蹈表演和丰富多样的爵士音乐。 无论您是对音乐、文化还是历史感兴趣,新奥尔良住宿加早餐旅馆的周边地标和景点将为您带来一次难忘的旅行体验。 周边餐厅 ...