It is the responsibility of the federal entities to implement the curriculum of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC). In the case of Religious Education, the curricula of the States present a plurality of understandings and strategies that result in disparate reference...
Diretrizes curriculares nacionais do Ensino Religioso: uma proposta fundamentada na Ciência da Religio The Religious Education is the unique school discipline that does not have an official PCN by MEC. Aiming to fill this gap is that we present here our RE national curricular parameter proposal....
O ensino religioso chegou na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC): e agora, professor/a?doi:10.23925/1677-1222.2024vol24i1a20BRAZILRELIGIOUS educationRELIGIOUS diversityTEACHER trainingSEMI-structured interviewsRACISMThis article problematizes the results of the post...