The BN-800 reactor with a hybrid core has been in commercial operation in Russia since 2016. During the initial period, the layout of the hybrid core was constantly changed, including variations in the ratios of fuel assemblies with uranium and mixed oxide fuel, as well as the number of ...
The paper gives a brief information on major characteristics of BN-800 reactor plant. It is underlined that BN-800 is relied upon technical solutions earlier implemented in the running BN-600 reactor, which are corroborated by the reactor successful operation since 1980. General safety provision pri...
A bstr a ct :The paper intr od uces the regulation reference for the design of fi re —fi ghting water syste m of the demonstration fast reactor BN 800 nu. clear pla nt in China ,researches the components ,allocation ,anti—seismic ,and co ntrol of the external and intern al pipe ...
The paper gives a brief information on major characteristics of BN-800 reactor plant. It is underlined that BN-800 is relied upon technical solutions earlier implemented in the running BN-600 reactor, which are corroborated by the reactor successful operation since 1980. General safety provision pri...
To provide confidence in the agreement, Russia, the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency should agree on monitoring of reactor power and irradiation times for plutonium disposition in such fast reactors. 机译:2000年,俄罗斯和美国签署了《 Management管理与处置协议》,分别处置了34吨...
safetyofreactor.Comparisonofoverallcharactersandthecasesofsystemoperation betweenChinaExperimentalFastReactor(CEFR) andRussiafastreactorBNa00was analyzedinthisarticle.Onthisbasis,moredetailedcomparisonandanalysisof operationconditionsbetweenCEFRandBNa00weremade.Operationrequirement, ...
Rosatom has manufactured the first full reload batch of uraniumplutonium mixed oxide, or MOX, fuel for its 800-MW BN-800 Beloyarsk-4 fast reactor, the company said in a statement July 24. transition to a full MOX fuel core for the unit is scheduled for early 2022, it added. The BN-...
It is important that commissioning of the BN-800 reactor was included into the Federal Goal-Oriented Program "Development of nuclear energy-industrial complex of Russia for 2007-2010 and for perspective up to 2015," which was approved by the Russian Government in October 2006.V. M. Poplavsky...
Parameters of active zone (AZ) and control for reactor of BN-800 type with oxide uranium-plutonium fuel and sodium coolant providing the reactor to operate in the self-adjustable neutron-nuclear regime of second type (SANNR-2) are proposed. In SANNR-2 the reactor operates in regime close ...
F. M. Mitenkov, R. A. Peskov, E. F. Mitenkov, and E. V. Solovyeva, “Analysis of an open fuel cycle of a BN-800 fast reactor with metal fuel at the initial stage of the transition to a closed cycle,” At. Énerg. , 113 , No. 2, 73–79 (2012)....