All the calculations were done for the chosen benchmark BN-600 reactor core. The report contains short description of the applied codes and nuclear data libraries used. The computer codes used for the cell calculations, i.e. calculations of effective cross sections applied Monte Carlo ...
[J].Nuclear core benchmark naalyses[R].IAEA-TECDOC一1623, PhysicsReview,2006,23(2):130-133 2010 7 卢磊,李莹,丁爱平,等.MCAM在INTER窗口限制器 蒙特卡罗计算模型过程 中的应用 [J].核科学与工程, 16 Kim Y I,HillR,Grimm K,eta1.BN一600fullMOX core benchmarkanalysis[R].PHYSOR2004一the...
The results of materials science studies of spent BN-600 fuel assemblies from a core with a type-1 load are presented. The fuel assemblies studied had depressurized and damaged fuel elements. It was determined that most of the fuel elements failed because of the thermomechanical fuel–cladding ...
Modeling of BN-600 Hybrid Core Benchmark (HEX-Z) with MCU-PTR and SERPENT 2 For cross-verification of these codes, the main characteristics of the benchmark of BN-600 reactor with a hybrid core were calculated: neutron multiplication factors, reactivity coefficients, distribution of energy releas...
To further verify and validate the code, it was benchmarked with the BN-600 hybrid core model released by IAEA. Nine parameters, consisting of effective multiplication factor, Doppler coefficients, density coefficients and expansion coefficients, were calculated. In all cases, the difference between ...
● The wire is spot welded to the terminal bands and then “fastened” onto the core with a silicone, cement, or vitreous enamel coating. Round Wire-wound Power Resistor Construction: ● A tubular ceramic has two terminals and is wound with copper roundwire or chromium alloy roundwire ...
August 5, 2024 (United Kingdom) Tech specs Edit Runtime 1hour13minutes Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page List New and Upcoming Sci-Fi and Fantasy ...
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Wavelet‐adaptive solvers on multi‐core architectures for the simulation of complex systems Koumoutsakos, Wavelet adap- tive solvers on multicore architectures for the simulation of complex systems, Concurrency and Computation-practice and Experience,... D Rossinelli,B Hejazialhosseini,M Bergdorf,......
CONSTITUTION:A couple of recessed parts 8 and 8' are formed in the sleeve 7 of a connector and the other sleeve 7' respectively and their directions are made coincident with the direction 6 of the maximum refractive index in the section of the core. The connector 5 is fixed threadably to...