Drive it to believe it. The 2025 BMW X4 M boasts mind-blowing acceleration, advanced displays, and high-performance forged wheels. Get up to speed. Enhance the X4 M’s engine power with the optional Competition package – delivering a breathtaking 0-60 mph time of 3.7 seconds. ...
View 2020 X3 M Details Starting at $70,895 · 8.5/10COLLAPSE 2025 BMW X4 8 /10 C/D RATING Starting at $56,475 EPA MPG 23–24 combined C/D SAYS: With strong powertrains, satisfying dynamics, and a design that stands out from boxy SUVs, the X3’s cool sibling is fun but compro...
变化不小!新款BMW X4 M正式上市 近日,宝马M Power旗下的新款X4 M正式上市,作为中期改款车型,新车外观和内饰都有相应升级。外观方面,新款宝马X4 M针对前脸和尾部进行重新设计,黑化后的双肾进气格栅左右连成了一体,两侧的环抱式进气口造型更显激进,同时新车针对空气动力学进行了相对应的优化处理。车身尾部,后...
Customize your own 2025 BMW X4 M to your exact specifications. Build and price your vehicle by selecting engine type, performance features, and design details.
The BMW X4 M offers a rare blend of wicked performance and everyday usability in a small, sleek SUV.
新款BMW X4 M正式上市 近日,宝马M Power旗下的新款X4 M正式上市,作为中期改款车型,新车外观和内饰都有相应升级。 外观方面,新款宝马X4 M针对前脸和尾部进行重新设计,黑化后的双肾进气格栅左右连成了一体,两侧的环抱式进气口造型更显激进,同时新车针对空气动力学进行了相对应的优化处理。
它搭载的地球上最强的6缸发动机之一的S58B30A,雷霆版原厂就有510马力!并且,我相信这并不是它的极限!搭配运动型8AT,动力总成对于创新BMW X4 M这个体型的车来说已经非常强悍了。并且它还具有四驱系统来提高这台车的操控极限,让驾驶者可以从容的掌控510马力。可美中不足的是,它不能像M5那样支持纯后驱模式...
More power, sharpened design features, new customization options, and further digital innovations: with consistent advancements designed to enhance the performance driving experience, BMW M GmbH is poised to continue the decades-long success story of the iconic high performance coupe and convertible. ...
如果说创新BMW X4 M已经给你无限的可能,那么在雷霆版的加持下,它会自动放大这种独特的力量。M双肾型进气格栅车辆前部的M风格设计令人眼前一亮,带名称标识的黑色高光M双肾型进气格栅十分惹眼,成为这款车型的专属。在车身上,M外后视镜经过空气动力学特性优化,在注重运动性能和动感体验的M设计中有着关键作用。M...