BMW X4 M vs Mercedes-AMG GLC63s. Чьи 510 л.с. круче 129 -- 22:10 App BMW X4M Competition - 503 hp short walk around 203 -- 7:12 App 《Road Rebels》 - 全新BMW X3 M, X4 M 81 -- 6:10 App BMW X4M Review: Is it REALLY worth £80,000? 145 -- 4:43 ...
DESIGN DRESSED TO THE NINES The 2025 BMW X4 M is bold from front to back, with show-stopping designs and audacious paint colors. Daring. The M-specific front bumper and double-bar kidney grille display the X4 M’s unapologetic athleticism. Expressive. An M-specific rear bumper design...
View 2020 X3 M Details Starting at $70,895 · 8.5/10COLLAPSE 2025 BMW X4 8 /10 C/D RATING Starting at $56,475 EPA MPG 23–24 combined C/D SAYS: With strong powertrains, satisfying dynamics, and a design that stands out from boxy SUVs, the X3’s cool sibling is fun but compro...
宝马X4M说明书用户手册|BMW X4M Owner's Manual 宝马X4M是宝马M部门在宝马X4基础上开发的一款高性能的车型,沿用了宝马家族式双肾进气格栅,并且采用黑色包边,内部则采用熏黑装饰条。宝马X4M全系搭载高转速型3.0L双涡轮增压直喷发动机,普通版可爆发353kW/480ps的动力输出,0-100公里/小时加速用时4.2秒;雷霆版...
如果说创新BMW X4 M已经给你无限的可能,那么在雷霆版的加持下,它会自动放大这种独特的力量。M双肾型进气格栅车辆前部的M风格设计令人眼前一亮,带名称标识的黑色高光M双肾型进气格栅十分惹眼,成为这款车型的专属。在车身上,M外后视镜经过空气动力学特性优化,在注重运动性能和动感体验的M设计中有着关键作用。M...
X3 M/X4 M雷霆版的四驱系统主要以后驱为主,四驱动力分配的非常及时,小幅度关闭电子稳定系统后出弯大脚油门,可以做出轻微漂移动作,在赛道里相当“好玩”,能让人特别放心大胆地全油门冲上弯道中的坡顶,突破极限的方式也是从转向不足到稳定的四轮滑动,驾驶乐趣十足是一台能让人边开边笑的车。 X3 M雷霆版和X4 M...
M power就是这样,从来不会让外观盖过性能。它搭载的地球上最强的6缸发动机之一的S58B30A,雷霆版原厂就有510马力!并且,我相信这并不是它的极限!搭配运动型8AT,动力总成对于创新BMW X4 M这个体型的车来说已经非常强悍了。并且它还具有四驱系统来提高这台车的操控极限,让驾驶者可以从容的掌控510马力。可美...
Vehicle details Our BMW X4 comes with optional extras worth £1,560. Specification includes a range of fantastic features including M Sport Bodykit, Full Leather, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, Sat Nav, Privacy Glass, All Wheel Drive, Heated Seats, Parking Camera, Bluetooth Specification informati...
BMW M x LEGO® Attention to detail comes in a double pack Tactile fascination A touch of the future with BMW Accept no Imitations BMW film Freude stays forever Rebelle Rally An off-road adventure in the BMW X2 The future is bright ...
实用与性能结合,BMWX4M 提到世界知名的性能车部门,宝马的M Power自然会排在前列。对于每个狂热的车迷来说,大马力,加速性,纯粹的超控都有它的魔力。每个人心中都有一个宝马梦,一个蓝天白云梦,盘主也不例外。BMWX4M外观方面:X4M在X4的基础上针对外观做了运动化的细节处理,换装了带有大量空气动力学所涉及...