BMW X3 Variant Paket and Price BMW X3 sDrive20i xLineDP Rp 163,3 JutaInstallment Rp 109,49 Juta x 12 MonthsRp 1,31 Milyar OTRView Offers BMW X3 xDrive30i M SportDP Rp 179,47 JutaInstallment Rp 120,81 Juta x 12 MonthsRp 1,44 Milyar OTRView Offers ...
BMW Group New Zealand is announcing the addition to the BMW X3 range, with the local introduction of the new BMW X3 sDrive20i. The BMW X3 sDrive20i is the first time the model has been offered locally in rear-wheel drive configuration, and brings a new starting point to the X3 line-...
2021 BMW X5 xDrive40iA xLine 7-seater HKD468,000 汽車類型:Artic Grey 易手次數:0 登記日期 行車里數55,000 km ⾞輛詳情 2020 BMW X3 xDrive20iA xLine HKD248,000 汽車類型:Alpine White 易手次數:0 登記日期 行車里數27,000 km ⾞輛詳情 ...
BMW X3:相同价格,其他选择 该宝马X3是市场上最畅销的高档紧凑型跨界车的SUV之一。无论是技术、舒适性、实用性、安全性还是性能,X3 都能满足您的需求。BMW Malaysia提供三个版本的 SUV – sDrive20i xLine、xDrive30i Luxury 和 xDrive30i M Sport,售价分别为 RM 270,934、RM 288,494 和 RM 308,423。在今...
BMW X1 xDrive20i xLine* ¥ 5,860,000 BMW X1 xDrive20i M Sport* ¥ 5,860,000 BMW X1 xDrive20d xLine ¥ 6,060,000 BMW X1 xDrive20d M Sport ¥ 6,060,000 BMW iX1 xDrive30 xLine* ¥ 6,980,000 BMW iX1 xDrive30 M Sport* ¥ 6,980,000 上記のメーカー希望小売価格は...
X1 sDrive18i xLine ¥ 4,860,000 X1 xDrive18d xLine ¥ 5,370,000 X1 xDrive18d M Sport ¥ 5,550,000 X2 sDrive18i M Sport X ¥ 5,180,000 X2 xDrive20d M Sport X ¥ 5,740,000 X2 M35i ¥ 7,280,000 X3 xDrive20i ¥ 7,210,000 X3 xDrive20d ¥ 7,410,000 X3 xD...
隨後的汽油動力xDrive20i以及xDrive30i也會接力登場,分別擁有184hp/29.58kg-m以及252hp/35.7kg-m的動力輸出,此外更提供了樂趣十足的後驅選項-sDrive20i,讓消費者可以有更多的選擇來符合自身的需求。 M Performance上身,M40i性能搭載 X3 M40i是繼X6、X5、X4之後第四款擁有M Performance風采的X家族產品,動力心臟...
The driver can use the eDrive button on the centre console to influence the drive system’s operating mode. In the AUTO eDRIVE standard setting, the intelligent drive system ensures optimum interaction between the two power units in all driving situa...
【易车网惠州讯】近日易车网编辑从惠州华晨宝马合宝4S店处了解到,新BMW X1于12月1日在惠州合宝展厅上市,售价在25.9-49.9万元。感兴趣的朋友可到店或致电(400-626-0357)咨询。具体降价明细如下表: 1999年以来,BMW X5、X3和X6的相继推出不断开辟出全新的细分市场,在市场上独领风骚,并为BMW X车型赢来卓越声誉...
新BMW X1 X设计套装彰显出车辆的越野和多元性格。前后裙板、侧裙板和双肾进气格栅均采用亚光泰坦银镀铬,标配专属的18英寸铝合金7辐Y型轮毂。运动真皮方向盘,Nevada真皮座椅带X浮雕标识头枕,迎宾踏板带有专属的“BMW xLine”标识,脚垫带配色滚边设计,全新细节设计设立了风尚标杆。