All highlights of the BMW X2 (U10): Models, equipment, technical data, prices, and services. Discover and build now.
Explore the features and specifications of the BMW X2 Coupe SUV. Find information on transmission, engine type, drivetrain, and more.
我对全新BMW X2的性能、价格、服务都表示满意。
阅读:新款 2024 BMW X2 是一款穿着炫耀跑鞋的 X1,售价 43,000 美元起 Brooklyn Grey 型号是iX2xDrive30。它看起来与内燃机车型非常相似,xDrive30 是 iX2 唯一可用的配置。它在前轴和后轴上都配备了电动机,可提供 309 马力和 364 磅英尺(494 牛米)的扭矩,使其能够在 5.6 秒内达到 62 英里/小时(100 公...
See our expert review on the 2025 BMW X2 and where it ranks among other luxury subcompact SUVs. Research the ratings, prices, pictures, MPG and more.
BMW X2 M35i xDrive以其独树一帜的外观设计、奢华的内饰配置、强劲的动力性能、精准的操控体验和前沿的智能科技,成为了新一代驾驶者的梦想座驾。这款车型不仅继承了宝马品牌的运动精神,更在创新中引领了潮流,为新一代驾驶者带来了前所未有的驾驶激情。对于追求极致驾驶乐趣的新一代驾驶者而言,BMW X2 M35i ...
BMW X2 M35i xDrive BMW Individual Frozen Portimao Blue metallic PERFORMANCE DRIVES LIKE AN M. POWERFULLY COME TO A STOP. Optional 19" M Compound brakes provide exceptional deceleration even in the wet. The vehicle's perforated brake discs are extremely heat-resistant. And grey high-gloss brake...
The 2025 BMW X2 is a sleeker and sportier interpretation of the more conventional subcompact X1 SUV, with a tapering roofline that creates a coupe-like silhouette. It follows the path set by the BMW X6 way back in 2008, which gave a similar treatment to the conventional square-roof X5...
创新BMW X2的准确定位叫做运动型多功能轿跑车,它的身材并不高大,与X1比起来甚至要小一圈,但是它在我的心中却更招人喜欢,或许它更像是一台纯正的宝马,更紧致、更运动。潮流与致敬 说起宝马,标志性特征就是双肾格栅。仔细看看BMW X2的前脸,似乎有哪里和之前不太一样,格栅一改常态,采用了反传统的上窄...
经济日报-中国经济网4月22日讯 4月19日,宝马 X家族 “炫酷”成员创新BMW X2引领时尚风潮,再推新车型,包含更具个性化“标签”的创新BMW X2曜夜版/锋芒版在内,共计5款车型同步上市,厂家建议零售价为28.58万元至32.98万元。主打个性时尚的创新BMW X2曜夜版/锋芒版无疑将再次成为豪华紧凑全能轿跑细分市场...