Customize your own luxury car to fit your needs. Build and price a luxury sedan, SUV, convertible, and more with BMW's car customizer.
Customize your own luxury car to fit your needs. Build and price a luxury sedan, SUV, convertible, and more with BMW's car customizer.
The new BMW 2 Series Coupe: Final development May 16, 2021 The new BMW 2 Series Coupe is in the final stretch of its development as dynamic testing and drivetrain and suspension tuning is finalized. The two-door compact sports car features numerous hallmark ingredients, unique in the premium ...
Good news for everyone who has been waiting, the configuration tool for the 2026 iX has finally been released on the BMWUSA website! Here is the link: Unfortunately, there still has been no lease program released to dealers, so we ...
Tomorrow’s production is already happening today: the BMW iFACTORY is the BMW Group’s vision for the transformation of car production. Digitalisation, efficiency and sustainability are very much in the foreground, while at the heart of every process is the humans that shape it. The BMW iFACT...
Image Source: By Eli Christman from Richmond, VA, USA – Virginia Motor Sport Club (VMSC) at RIR, CC BY 2.0, BMW Gran Lusso Image Source: By Lukasdesign – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Should I pay off my car or buy out my lease? When will I receive my monthly Account Statements? How are my payments applied? Can I make a payment with my debit or credit card? Is there a grace period for late charges? What happens when I make payments greater than my regular...
Related Links. BMW USA News Statement Part I – Vision Neue Klasse X Ladies and Gentlemen, In 1999 — 25 years ago — BMW presented the first X5, and with it established the sporty SAV segment. Since then, the X Family has been a pillar of the BMW brand, with around 12 million X ...
(South Africa) 1992 – 1994: Project Engineer for Technology Innovation 1991: Joined BMW AG as Trainee in Development and Production 1997 – 1999: WHU Koblenz and Kellogg School of Management, Evanston/USA: Executive MBA 1985 – 1991: Technical University Darmstadt: Graduation in Mechanical ...
BMW of Brooklyn. We are here for Staten Island and Manhattan drivers who want The Ultimate Driving Machine and need a full-service BMW automotive team to help them. Whether you're in the market for a new or used car or need routine maintenance or repairs, you can count on our BMW deale...