See our expert review on the 2025 BMW 8-Series and where it ranks among other luxury sports cars. Research the ratings, prices, pictures, MPG and more.
Grand Tourer一词,源自于封建时代,年轻的贵族学子们,来访意大利游览、增广见闻时乘坐的豪华马车之名,GT系列的车型在舒适度与性能之间,取得了优异的平衡,看着BMW Concept 9cento那种性能取向的外观与车身设计,搭配上实用、舒适取向的骑乘姿势与空间配备,不得不说,Concept 9cento活脱就是一台二轮的Grand Tourer。
BMW雪铁龙GRAND老师学生VSSUV市场汽车公司在SUV市场热火朝天的格局下,BMW和雪铁龙仍然坚持将各自旗下的MPV产品引入中国,这不能不说是一个大胆而走心的策略,这也使得原本毫无关联的两家汽车公司一下子棋逢对手,而作为后来者,BMW的2系Gran Tourer是否有足够的资本单挑C4 Picasso昵?曾俊夫王雷汽车之友...
BM02-01-A2 2 Series Coupé 6cyl F22 14~ ● ● ● ● ● BM02-01-B1 2 Series Cabrio 4cyl F23 14~ ● ● ● ● ● BM02-01-B2 2 Series Cabrio 6cyl F23 14~ ● ● ● ● ● BM02-01-C1 2 Series Active Tourer F45 14~ ● ● ● ● BM02-01-D1 2 Series Gran Tourer...
Automakers have been trying to one-up each other on luxury from nearly the beginning, so we ranked the best luxury cars ever made.
There are some very smooth RPM bands for a twin, I prefer the side to side vibes from the R series bikes but for me this bike works better in town. The engine can throw off some heat on those scorching summer days. Reliability & build quality 4 out of 5 One niggle on finding ...
The new BMW 2 Series Active Tourer looks very familiar on the outside, but there are a few surprises inside Review: Goodwood Festival of Speed 2021 19 August 2021 Goodwood Festival of Speed has become the premier UK car show with a variety of cars both old and brand spanking new on displ...
A unique fact about the BMW 8 Series Concept (8er Concept) is that it marked BMW’s return to the ultra-luxury grand tourer segment after nearly two decades. Unveiled in 2017, this concept reimagined the legendary 8 Series from the 1990s, but with a modern, aggressive design featuring razo...
Concept 9cento結合運動跑格與休閒旅遊的設計理念,正是Grand Tour車款的核心理念,Grand Tourer一詞,源自於封建時代,年輕的貴族學子們,來訪義大利壯遊、增廣見聞時乘坐的豪華馬車為名,GT系列的車款在舒適度與性能之間,取得了優異的平衡,看著BMW Concept 9cento那種性能取向的外觀與車身設計,搭配上實用、舒適取向的騎乘...
It’s familiar, plush and keeps the BMW on the straight and narrow, but every now and then you hit a bump that crashes through you, or a series of the buggers forcing you to slow down. Conversely, on the HP4 I’m actively seeking out the worst bits of Tarmac I can, but they ...