BMW R 1250 RT的厂商建议零售价为325,900元起,具体价格根据版本和配置有所不同。如2023款R 1250 RT Option 719版的指导价为347,900元,而探险版、运动版和舒适版等版本的指导价则在325,900元至332,900元之间。 综上所述,BMW R 1250 RT凭借其卓越的性能、豪华的配置和出色的安全保障,成为了市场上备受瞩目...
hello France. 910km so far, riding the BMW R1250RT along the N-260 (and others) from La Seu d’Urgell in the Spanish Pyrenees to Banyuls-sur-Mer on the French coast. We also diverted up to ride the infamous Gorges de Galamus. ...
R 1250 RT BMW Tour Bike From £139 per month with £500 deposit contribution View This Offer Motorcycles S 1000 XR BMW Adventure Bike From £149 per month with £1000 deposit contribution View This Offer Motorcycles R 12 BMW Heritage Bike From £149 per month with a compelling 8.9%...
配置上更是不遗余力: 10.25英寸超大中控屏:与BMW R1250 RT同款,信息展示清晰直观。 可调节风挡:风挡最高可调至6.5cm,为长途旅行带来更优雅的风挡保护。 豪华迎宾灯:增加迎宾灯设计,提升整车豪华氛围。 全新升级的电控系统,全面保障安全 为保障骑行安全,新BMW C 400系列电控系统得到全面升级,配备多项领先科技: ABS...
R 1250 GS · Fahrertraining, Reisen, Events Die BMW Group Polska entscheidet die größte Ausschreibung in der Geschichte der polnischen Polizei für sich. 06.02.2023Pressemeldung Verjährt 503 BMW Motorräder für Behörden in Polen. R-Reihe · R 1250 RT Die neue...
BMW R 1250 RT MSRP: $19,995 plus Destination Colors Alpine White (standard / unchanged) Style Sport: Racing Blue Metallic 2 replaces Racing Blue Metallic (optional / unchanged) Style Triple Black: Black Storm Metallic 2 (optional / unchanged) Option 719: Meteoric Dust 2 Metallic (optional ...
BMW R 1250 RT MSRP: $19,995 plus Destination Colors Alpine White (standard / unchanged) Style Sport: Racing Blue Metallic 2 replaces Racing Blue Metallic (optional / unchanged) Style Triple Black: Black Storm Metallic 2 (optional / unchanged) Option 719: Meteoric Dust 2 Metallic (optional /...
</p> learn more r 1250 rt tour <p>the r 1250 rt is the perfect companion for your tour: its legendary bmw shiftcam boxer engine pulls just as powerfully over country roads as it does over winding mountain passes. its updated front end makes it look more dynamic and slimmer. on the ...
the r 1250 rt-p offers you a secure, highly efficient workstation. more on this model the bmw f 900 gs-p strong performance, ergonomic comfort when mobility and load capacity are needed on deployment, the f 900 gs-p is the ace among your fleet of vehicles. more on this model the ...
宝马BMW 1250RT 摩托车 新车 金属火星红爆料人: 值友8405822855 20-08-25发布 下单后实付价格307900,有需要的可以看下 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付307900元 汽车消费实时好价排行 腾安达 磁吸式车载折叠手机支架*1个 ¥39.9 京东 ¥24.9 值得买爆料价 TUHU 途虎 手机车载支架 1...