BMW bike price starts from Rs. 2,90,000. BMW offers 25 new models in India with the most popular bikes being S1000RR, R 1300 GS Adventure, G310 RR, G 310 R and G 310 GS. The upcoming bikes of BMW are F 450 GS and R nineT Racer
BMW bikes in India start at 2.90 Lakh and go up to 33.00 Lakh. Check the latest models, price lists, interiors, mileage, features, and more.
R12. As of February 2025, BMW has a total of 22 dealerships spread across 19 cities in India.Check BMW price in India and also know BMW on road price, read BMW bike reviews, watch videos, compare BMW bikes online with bikes from other manufacturers and get news alerts from carandbike....
宝马最近又开始了整活儿模式,发布了一款搭载水鸟1250发动机的全新细分车系成员,运动旅行车R1250 RS ,售价:15990欧元起,约合人民币11.6万元。 从外观来看,R1250 RS更像是一款街车加长轴距再加装导流罩,风挡的跨界车型。按照宝马的命名规则,R 系代表采用水平对置发动机,1250为发动机排量,RS则代表全新的细分车型,官方定...
BMW R 1250 ADV:体型更大,外观看起来更加霸气,气场更强。价格走势分析 1300 GS:目前官方指导价245,900元,由于刚发布,价格仍处于中高位,未来仍有一定降价空间。1250 ADV:官方售价283,900元,但由于1300 ADV预计8月进入中国市场,经销商加速清库存,目前全国普遍优惠至20~21万元,部分老日期库存车甚至降至18...
BMW R 1250 RT拥有独特且犀利的设计前脸,集成了LED大灯,具有较高的辨识度。同时,车身线条流畅,造型出色,更低的车身设计打开了更敞阔的视线范围。此外,还有多种配色和版本可供选择,如2023款R 1250 RT Option 719版、探险版、运动版和舒适版等。 二、动力系统 ...
BMW水鸟R1250GS,拉力ADV,穿越无界 宝马水鸟R1250GS拉力ADV是一款备受赞誉的豪华旅行摩托车,以下是关于该车型的主要特点:动力性能:搭载水冷DOHC 8气门水平对置2缸发动机,排量为1254cc,最大功率达到136马力,最大扭矩为143牛米。这款发动机提供了强劲的动力输出,无论是 高速公路还是崎岖的山路都能轻松应对。续航...
BMW R 1250 ADV:体型更大,外观看起来更加霸气,气场更强。 价格走势分析 1300 GS:目前官方指导价245,900元,由于刚发布,价格仍处于中高位,未来仍有一定降价空间。 1250 ADV:官方售价283,900元,但由于1300 ADV预计8月进入中国市场,经销商加速清库存,目前全国普遍优惠至20~21万元,部分老日期库存车甚至降至18~19万...
R 1250 GS Manufacturer Country Germany Introduction Year 1980 Manufacturer Recommend Minimum Age 16 Photo Gallery Standard Pricing Price Standard MSRP $17,995 Destination Charge 695 Warranty (Months/Condition) 36 / Limited Basic Warranty (Miles) ...
The new BMW® R 1250 GS: concentrated performance meets impressive efficiency. With the new BMW R 1250 GS you will experience the new Boxer even more directly. The engine capacity increase brings you more performance - 100 kW (136 HP) and 1250 ccm. The variable camshaft control system BMW...