目前,BMW R 1100S正在BMW Motorrad Boxer Cup(宝马摩托车拳击手杯)上活跃。 1937年生产的BMW WR500,当时创造了280km/h的最高速度,驾驶它参赛的选手多次获得冠军,引起了巨大的轰动。 🔍 BMW摩托车的编号秘籍 BMW摩托车的编号系统相当复杂,但也有规律可循。F系列配备单汽缸发动机,R系列配备水平对置双汽缸发动机,...
收起来,藏起来【转发】@末世黑天使DARKANGEL:MINICHAMPS 1/18 BMW R1100 S BMW MOTORRAD BOXER CUP 2004---当年迷你切做工最好,也是之后没有比这批做工更好的18比例宝马摩托车模型。最后一款车型收获成功...
Alongside the F800 S at the launch weekend is the most powerful production boxer-twin the world has ever seen - the 122 hp R1200 S. Years of experience in the International BoxerCup race series with the R1100 S has helped BMW develop a machine that is faster, sharper and more dynamic ...
作为赛车型的复制品,R1100S BoxerCup Replica忠实体现了运动特性。GP赛车手兰迪·马莫拉认为:“Replica的高性能直逼赛车,完全能够让骑手在公路上,体验到拳击手杯的赛道乐趣和激情!” R1100S BoxerCup Replica坐垫位置采取偏激的赛车位置,让骑手必须“趴”在油箱上,同时尽可能地把身体重心靠近车把,这就让更多的重量被...
最运动的拳击手——BMW R1100S BoxerCup Replica 提到BMW的“拳击手”,大多数骑手想到的,应该就是他们的探险车、旅行车和街车,比较少摩友会想到跑车。但实际上,以水平对置双缸发动机为动力平台的跑车,以其独特的个性魅力,吸引了不少骑手的青睐,BMW甚至还专门设置了“拳击手杯”道路摩托车比赛。这次,我们就来欣赏...
== K 100 (1983–1990) == The K 100 launched in 1983 – exactly six decades after the launch of the very first BMW motorcycle with its Boxer engine – is BMW’s first production model with a four-cylinder power unit. But instead of following the usual Japanese concept with the straight...
BMW(GS 1200, K 1200, K 1300, R 1100S Boxercup, S1000RR); Buell(1125, X1, XB9R, XB); Ducati(749, 848, 916, 996, 998, 1098, Diavel, Monster, Hypermotard, Multistrada); Kawasaki(Z 14 750 1000 10R 12R, ZX6R, ZX6R 636, ER6F) Suzuki(B-King, ...
The K 100 launched in 1983 – exactly six decades after the launch of the very first BMW motorcycle with its Boxer engine – is BMW’s first production model with a four-cylinder power unit. But instead of following the usual Japanese concept with the straight-four engine fitted crosswise, ...
2005 BMW K 1200R Power Cup由2000年开始,BMW都在部份MotoGP分站的比赛当中,同场举行的BMW Boxer CUP支援比赛。赛事讲求公平,所以参赛车辆都是由BMW统一供应的R1100S,因为统一了改装项目,所以赛事强调个人的技术发挥。随着K1200R的出现,2004年是Boxer Cup的最后一年赛事。因为从2005年开始,BMW将会改为供应K1200R...