BMW Motorrad proudly presents the new 2025 BMW R 1300 GS Adventure, carefully designed, and crafted to support all your adventure riding and long distance touring wishes and needs. With a new engine, completely redesigned chassis, the availability of Automated Shift Assistant and electronic systems ...
BMW Motorrad proudly presents the new 2025 BMW R 1300 GS Adventure, carefully designed, and crafted to support all your adventure riding and long distance touring wishes and needs. With a new engine, completely redesigned chassis, the availability of Automated Shift Assistant and electronic systems ...
▲装有自动换档系统(ASA)的车型没有离合器拉杆,该项目可以选配 BMW此次发布的R1300GS Adventure一共有三个版本,分别是铝轮版本的Trophy、配有三箱的Triple Black以及更高级的的719 Option。不过目前BMW官方还没有给产品定价,外媒猜测这款车售价预计会在25000美元左右。 另外,人们好像对这款新车的外形并不太买账,...
7月6日,宝马在欧洲市场正式发布全新R 1300 GS Adventure。这一次新款R 1300 GS Adventure的到来不得不说看点非常多,并且新款还搭载了ASA自动挡技术。而且整车从外观、车架、动力等多个方面进行了全面升级,不过新款R 1300 GS Adventure的外观似乎也引来了不同的声音。 难以定义的外观 全新R 1300 GS Adventure带来了...
目前R1300GS已经推出了四个版本,分别是普通版、GS Trophy版、Triple Black版、Option 719 Tramuntana版,其中Option 719 Tramuntana配置最高追加独有的719配件装饰、电动风挡、舒适座椅、加热功能、后毫米波雷达等等。 Option 719 Tramuntana可以看做是目前R1300GS的顶配车型,平替R1250GS Adventure顶配。
The silver tank, black and red seats, black handlebars, black rims and red hand protector extensions provide a striking contrast. In the Triple Black model variant, the new R 1300 GS Adventure shows its elegant face. Accents in perfectly coordinated shades of black and the aluminium fuel tank...
The new BMW R 1300 GS Adventure: When it comes to motorcycle adventure and long-distance touring, this is the rock in the surf. An almost completely newly designed model with enhanced adventure expertise across the board.R 1300 GS Adventure · R Series...
The silver tank, black and red seats, black handlebars, black rims and red hand protector extensions provide a striking contrast. In the Triple Black model variant, the new R 1300 GS Adventure shows its elegant face. Accents in perfectly coordinated shades of black and the aluminium fuel tank...
The new BMW R 1300 GS Adventure: When it comes to motorcycle adventure and long-distance touring, this is the rock in the surf. An almost completely newly designed model with enhanced adventure expertise across the board.Crossing the Sahara in searing heat, climbing the Himalayas or exploring ...
Nové R 1300 GS Adventure: nejvyšší úroveň cestovních a terénních schopností v atraktivním základním provedení a v dalších variantách Triple Black, GS Trophy a Option 719 Karakorum. Ani vzákladní verzinenechává nové R 1300 GS Adventure nikoho na pochybách o svém ...