今天分享的是来自荷兰“Moto Adonis”工作室基于BMW R1100GS打造的作品,Moto adonis的人总有些奇奇怪怪的创意,就像前两天给大家分享的那辆本田猴子一样,觉得好看或是难看因人而异但至少是很特别的创意。这辆车原本属于Moto Adonis创始人之一的Job Leussink,后来卖给了一位顾客,一段时间后顾客决定将它变成独特...
Our Friday custom motorbike crush comes from Italian Officine Sbrannetti. This spectacular build named Buldozzer, is based on a BMW R1100GS from 1999, the guys removed the original seat and switched to a new leather one, placed aluminum fenders, a
今年的挂冠得主是一台定制的宝马R1100S。这件作品是由两家位于米兰的定制店Officine Mermaid和Radikal Choppers合作完成的,其基础框架基于一台宝马R1100S,不过除了动力总成和摆臂,几乎所有原车部件都被更换了。该车的结构相当复杂,主要围绕一个完全定制的两件式底盘,采用手工成型的车身和头灯、整体式油箱、格子式框...
For all Euro Riders GS Rider Shop I have been riding GS motorcycles for 25 years from a BMW R80GSPD, R100GSPD, R1100GS, R1150GS Adventure, F650GS, F800GS and a R1200GS. I can set you up with shocks, wheels, lights, accessories, seats, navigation, and advice on much more.CA...
比较少摩友会想到跑车.但实际上,以水平对置双缸发动机为动力平台的跑车,以其独特的个性魅力,吸引了不少骑手的青睐,BMW甚至还专门设置了"拳击手杯"道路摩托车比赛.这次,我们就来欣赏一款品位与众不同的"拳击手"跑车.1998年,BMW推出R 1100 S,成为最具有运动性能的"拳击手".这是经典车型R90S的继承者,保留了R90S...
今天分享的是来自荷兰“Moto Adonis”工作室基于BMW R1100GS打造的作品,Moto adonis的人总有些奇奇怪怪的创意,就像前两天给大家分享的那辆本田猴子一样,觉得好看或是难看因人而异但至少是很特别的创意。 这辆车原本属于Moto Adonis创始人之一的Job Leussink,后来卖给了一位顾客,一段时间后顾客决定将它变成独特的...
Suitable for most universal model all the years FOR BMW R1100GS ALL Years FOR BMW R1150GSALL Years Note *Please confirm your motorcycle model and year based on the options. We will ship the goods in the same way as the original title. If you need another model, please contact us and ...
''KHAN'' CustomBMWR1100R 如今他又带来了最新作品,一台名为“KHAN”的宝马R1100R。整车风格维持了Mehmet Doruk Erdem一贯的设计理念,但相比那台“ALPHA”,车头的造型更加尖锐,两个硕大的进气口让车头看起来像中世纪战盔,同时水平对置发动机很好的和车身融为一体,并增加了整车的体积感。
3D Resin Motorcycle Carbon Fiber Stickers Top Triple Clamp Yoke Case for Bmw R1100GS R1150GS R1100 R1150 GS Sold by Shop1103597397 Store(Trader) Ship to Canada AliExpress commitment Free shipping Delivery:Feb. 28 - Mar. 10 Security & Privacy ...
Introducing the 2021 BMW R1250GS… Unbridled curiosity, the courage to discover something new again and again: This is what the R 1250 GS stands for. It has been an icon for four decades – and still continues to inspire with new features. The new LED light design gives it a brilliant ...