We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed the Munich tour with us. We hope to see you on another tour soon! 役に立った ミュンヘンの素晴らしい簡潔な徹底的なツアー Roxene_G(2024年8月) ガイドのラッソは格別でした!BMW welt/ museumの素晴らしいツアーを行いまし...
Besuchen Sie die BMW Welt und das BMW Museum München, das Herz der Marke BMW. Die BMW-Welt ist ein Ausstellungs-, Auslieferungs- und Veranstaltungsort. Das BMW Museum ist das unternehmenseigene Automobilmuseum des Automobilherstellers BMW.
Visit the BMW Welt and the BMW Museum Munich, the heart of the BMW brand. Discover the latest models from BMW, BMW i, BMW M, BMW Motorrad, MINI and Rolls-Royce or see all the history of BMW.
The BMW Museum Munich is located directly opposite the BMW Welt. Here you will discover the BMW brand from its beginnings to the present day as vibrant, awe-inspiring and diverse as nowhere else. Be surprised again and again by the vehicles, designs or prototypes that have made history in ...
Now, the BMW Museum is putting on display the developments of the last century (Mercedes is Stuttgart, BMW is Munich). The interiors will remind you of the snakelike spires of the New York Guggenheim museum, and in fact, many consider car making as a kind of art. Wander around the diff...
Munich: Home of “Sheer Driving Pleasure” There is plenty to discover at BMW Welt, the BMW Museum, and the BMW M Driving Academy, which is just 30 minutes away. Para-athlete Léa Bayekula gets the ultimate BMW Munich Experience.
BMW Museum in Munich : Exhibitions and Displays Museum design concepts, Brand presentation, Trade show designSchittich, Christian
BMW Museum in Munich Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart Show and let show “The Rommel Myth” exhibition in Stuttgart “That’s Opera” traveling exhibition “Inventioneering Architecture” traveling exhibition Museum pavilion in Pouilly-en-Auxois Exhibition pavilion for Artek in Milan Built...
#simply Munich# 宝马博物馆BMW Museum位于宝马全球总部慕尼黑宝马品牌体验中心,始建于20世纪70年代初,位于德国慕尼黑北部。宝马博物馆,按照不同年代和时期,展示出历年来所产的各类宝马汽车、宝马摩托车、轻骑和一些特殊用途的车辆样品,并运用现代声、光、电、多媒体等高科技手段及图片音像资料,提升产品展示的艺术空间,...
München: Geburtsort der „Freude am Fahren“. In der BMW Welt, im BMW Museum und der gut 30 min. entfernten BMW M Driving Academy gibt es viel zu entdecken. Para-Sportlerin Léa Bayekula erlebt die ultimative BMW Munich Experience.