宝马拿铁 BMW R Nine T 宝马拿铁 BMW R Nine T 宝马拿铁 BMW R Nine T 宝马 R nineT 是宝马摩托车公司(BMW Motorrad)推出的一款经典风格的大型摩托车,它属于文化系列(Heritage Series)。R nineT 的设计灵感来源于 20 世纪 70 年代的经典摩托车,结合了现代技术和传统美学,提供了独特的骑行体验。关键特点...
当年发布的结果就是名字古怪的 BMW R nine T。事实证明,它融合了经典和现代风格,非常受自行车界的欢迎,其出色的操控性和全面的性能导致了四款受基本型号,即R nine T Scrambler、R nine T Racer、R nine T Urban G/S 和 R nine T Pure。 当然,Scrambler 是一款非常适合越野的双运动自行车。赛车经过赛车调校...
BMW Motorrad · Brands · Προαιρετικός εξοπλισμός, αξεσουάρ · Σειρά R · Σειρά R nineT · R nineT Scrambler · R nineT Racer · R nineT Pure · R nineT Urban G/S
This is precisely why BMW Motorrad has extended the design program of its Original BMW Motorrad Accessories to include the “Machined” range of customising parts for the models R nineT, R nine T Pure, R nineT Scrambler, R nine T Racer and R nine T Urban G/S. BMW Motorrad · Optional...
BMW R Nine T 719限量版: 说到R Nine T,刚入坑的小伙伴听着可能会比较陌生,“拿铁”就是它的中文名?R Nine T诞生于2013年,是为了纪念BMW Motorrad正式迈入摩托车产业90周年。 说到拿铁一定要从它的发动机说起,它搭载一台排量为1170cc水平对置发动机,也就是宝马最著名的“拳击手”发动机,其最大输出功率81千...
of modern technology. The model was introduced in 2014 and was a direct success and a full worthy add to the BMW Motorrad model selection. What you may not know, is that the concept of the BMW R nine T goes back in 2008: on the 2008 EICMA, BMW showed the world the “Lo Rider“:...
R NINE T— SCRAMBLER车座改为经典毛毛虫款式,改为正置式前减震,立体效果金属色油箱,增加R NINE T RACER 提供黑色/白色风暴涂装。 ▲R nineT Scrambler 2019 ▲R nineT Racer 2019 标准版R NINE T依然采用倒置OHLINS减震,增加719涂装,红蓝色金属涂装。
On Location Pictures: The BMW Motorrad Media Riding Event. 02.11.2017Press Kit Top Aged Available are on location pictures of the new BMW K 1600 B, S 1000 R, Rnine T Racer, Rnine T Urban G/S and K 1600 GTL at the BMW Motorrad Riding Experience...
This is precisely why BMW Motorrad has extended the design program of its Original BMW Motorrad Accessories to include the “Machined” range of customising parts for the models R nineT, R nine T Pure, R nineT Scrambler, R nine T Racer and R nine T Urban G/S. BMW Motorrad · MINI ...
BMW R Nine T 719限量版: 说到R Nine T,刚入坑的小伙伴听着可能会比较陌生,“拿铁”就是它的中文名?R Nine T诞生于2013年,是为了纪念BMW Motorrad正式迈入摩托车产业90周年。 说到拿铁一定要从它的发动机说起,它搭载一台排量为1170cc水平对置发动机,也就是宝马最著名的“拳击手”发动机,其最大输出功率81千...