BMW3系GT,德国丁格芬工厂生产,正儿八经的Made In Germany !这对于产地控来说是个诱惑。3系GT空间之大,坐过的人都知道,而且后备箱之平坦,令人咋舌。后排空间更是比肩3系长轴版,GT车型讲真更是宜商宜家,3系GT的车主在哪里?当小尾翼徐徐升起的时候,3系GT车主虚荣心绝对会得到满足。当车速超过110km/h时...
全新一代 2021款 宝马 4系 (G22)It’s finally here, the BMW 4 Series Coupe. Codenamed “G22”2021 All New BMW 4 Series - Made in Germany - This Is How It's Made, 视频播放量 327、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 Freezingcol
BMW kicked off series production of the new Mini Countryman and its all-electric offshoot in Leipzig. It is the first time, a Mini model is being made in Germany. The new Mini Countryman is scheduled to hit dealerships on 17 February 2024. Image: BMW By Nora Manthey BMW Mini Leipzig I...
BMW 3系GT,德国丁格芬工厂生产,正儿八经的Made In Germany !这对于产地控来说是个诱惑。 轴距2920mm比肩3系长轴距版 3系GT空间之大,坐过的人都知道,而且后备箱之平坦,令人咋舌。驾驶者和前座乘客都可以体验到高度的舒适性。长轴距和高车顶线条带来的宽敞空间令后座乘客尤为受益。无线充电或Wi-Fi热点等实用功能...
MADE IN GERMANY 7,499个粉丝 Топовыеролики Подпишись😈🔥 Dubravin Danil Киньтепесню, пж Kulkova Irina回复了Danil Данил, Chief Keef Hate Bein' Sober (Dotcom's Festival Trap Remix) ...
传承BMW运动精髓的BMW 3系GT融合了Gran Turismo车型独特的动感与优雅时尚设计,创新智能的互联驾驶和长途旅行实用性三大特性,体现了独特的运动型轿车概念,让每一位驾驶者轻松应对路况挑战,收获纯粹驾驶乐趣,让…
The BMW Group is now sending out a clear message by switching to HVO 100 for the initial filling of all diesels made in Germany. Innovation11.12.20244 Min. Tailwind for modern vehicle development: the new Aeroacoustics and E-Drive Centre. ...
The subject of carbon fiber in cars is full of technical terms. We clear up the jungle of jargon and explain what carbon fiber is, how it’s made and what advantages this high-tech material has to offer.
"Of course, as I say, I'm more about 'made in Europe' than either 'made in France' or 'made in Germany' but I think there is such a huge tradition in automaking, which is a competence in itself," de Vries told CNBC at the Paris Motor Show. ...
The BMW Group operates a global production network, with eight BMW plants in Germany, one plant in San Luis Potosí (Mexico), one in Spartanburg (USA), two in South America and one in Rosslyn (South Africa), as well as facilities sites in the UK, two in India and two in China. All...