M5 Touring 3.5 sec 717 $121,500 Build 0:00 0:00 / 0:00 Explore new frontiers. As spacious as it is sporty, the M5 Touring boasts ample cargo capacity for everyday errands and long journeys. Its high-performance M TwinPower Turbo V8-cylinder engine is complemented by an innovative...
全新M5 Touring最大亮点之一是由两部分组成的碳纤维后扩散器,使车尾看起来更加激进,并且可以与钛合金碳纤维排气尾管装饰相搭配。 在改进车辆尾部空气动力学的同时,车头部分也同样重要,全新M Performance套件为M5 Touring提供了一款碳纤维前分离器。 其在外观上与车尾前后呼应,而相比于M2、M3和M4上更突兀的后扩散器...
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M5 Touring Power[3][4] 535 (727) kW 0-100 km/h[3][4] 3.6 s Vmax 305 km/h Electr. Range[1] 65 km Technical Data Compare vehicle [1]Range depends on various factors, in particular: individual driving style, route characteristics, outside temperature, heating/air conditioning, pre-cond...
BMW M5 Touring Technical data: Performance, measurements, fuel consumption and further specifications at a glance.
1998 BMW M5 1986 BMW M3. The first BMW M3 is introduced as a street version of the champion touring car – bringing motorsport performance to everyday roads. 2000 BMW M3 Coupe 2000 BMW M3 COUPE. With the world’s most powerful naturally aspirated 6-cylinder engine, an impressive front spoi...
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动力方面,全新M5 Touring搭载M HYBRID高性能混动技术,其由4.4升V8双涡轮增压发动机和高性能电机组成,综合输出功率535千瓦,峰值扭矩1000牛·米,零百加速仅需3.6秒。其中,4.4升V8双涡轮增压发动机采用M TwinPower Turbo双涡轮增压技术,最大输出功率430千瓦,峰值扭矩750牛·米。
BMW M5 touring 727 马力,1000 牛米 8 速 M Steptronic 变速箱 M xDrive 四驱系统 3.6 秒破百,...
BMW M5 Touring重磅回归,搭载717马力混合动力系统 宝马M5旅游版本又回来了,配有717匹的混合动力! 宝马M5旅游版,这款被所有人期待已久的大型 SUV,带着崭新的外观,强势归来!这回可不是什么"独狼",配上了V8引擎,配上了最大功率717的插入式驱动,简直就是一头性能怪物的升级型!