With the components and products from BMW M Performance Parts, the motorsports DNA from BMW is clearly felt even off the racetrack. Exclusive materials and first-class quality guarantee not only visual highlights, but perfect dynamics.
轻量化概念 BMW M2 M performance Parts Concept轻量化碳纤维材料整备质量概念车宝马就在前不久的GoodwoodFestivalofSDeed古德伍德速度嘉年华上;宝马发布了全新M2MPerformanceParts概念车;新版概念车最大特色就在于几乎全部M套件均采用碳纤维材料打造;大幅度降低M2的整备质量;None...
全新一代宝马M2(G87)性能套件发布。宝马原厂M Performance性能套件由多层干碳纤维打造,与原车同步研发,进行多次风洞调校,有效增加高速稳定性。套件包括M Performance短簧运动避震,可使车身降低1cm,弹簧系数增高,提高车辆过弯时的支撑性,并且拥有原厂匹配度,不影响电
Of everyday journeys and track sessions alike: The new BMW M2 Coupé promises unadulterated driving pleasure through every mile. The race-inspired character of the compact high-performance sports car can be accentuated to stunning effect with the help of
The new BMW M2 Coupé[1]is an irresitible combination of breathtaking dynamics, strength and agility that always offers a joyful driving experience. The exclusive BMW M Performance Parts are an ideal addition that underscore the athletic character and joy of driving even further. A further highli...
M Performance Parts碳陶刹车 M2 LCI 仪表 M2 LCI 尾灯 M4原厂恶魔倒车镜 M4GTS碳纤维尾翼 M3 M4 碳纤维前平衡拉杆 故事二、一个爱车如命的3系女车主 编辑前言:CC大兄dei是宝马客的老朋友了,你可能想象不到,3系在她心目中的位置有多重要,爱BMW,更爱改装的美女Bimmer!
概念车 | BMW M2 M Performance Parts Concept (2018) 近日,宝马发布了M2 M Performance概念车。该车配备了Performance Parts套件中各种高性能套件,包括碳纤维进气格栅、碳纤维发动机罩和碳纤维前挡泥板通风口,此外设计师还在车辆前方和侧面安装了碳纤维小翼、碳纤维车顶,碳纤维后挡板和造型夸张的碳纤维后部扩散器。
July 11, 2018... Munich.M Performance Parts embody a sporty appearance and further enhanced driving dynamics. The new BMW M Performance Parts Concept based on the BMW M2 (combined fuel consumption: 8.5 l/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 199 g/km)* provides an even more marked shift in ath...
BMW深知唯有不断强化才能在原本就属小众市场的性能车中杀出一条血路,正所谓“一寸轻,一寸强”,M Performance Parts借着古德伍德速度嘉年华发布了M2轻量化概念车,大量使用碳纤维材料并结合了许多赛车风格元素设计。从外观方面看,这辆M2轻量化概念车配备上了由M Performance Parts部门所开发的碳纤维零部件,其中...
Elsewhere at BMW’s Essen stand, there’ll be M Performance Parts versions of the M3 Touring, M240i, i4 M50 and M135i, too. Though none live their lives a quarter mile at a time quite so much as this M2…Top GearNewsletter Get all the latest news, reviews and exclusives, direct to...