7月起,BMW将把“M运动套装专业版”选装在小型SUV“X1”的欧洲新车型上,在增添了更多运动气息的同时,更加突出了紧凑型运动型多功能车的动态特性。“M运动套装专业版”包括延伸到前散热格栅的M高光装饰、M 后扰流板、M Sport 制动系统、红色或深蓝色卡钳和 M 安全带。另外,如果选装自适应LED大灯,还将配备“M...
7月起,BMW将把“M运动套装专业版”选装在小型SUV“X1”的欧洲新车型上,在增添了更多运动气息的同时,更加突出了紧凑型运动型多功能车的动态特性。 “M运动套装专业版”包括延伸到前散热格栅的M高光装饰、M 后扰流板、M Sport 制动系统、红色或深蓝色卡钳和 M 安全带。另外,如果选装自适应LED大灯,还将配备“M光...
而在2024年,华晨宝马打造的全新5系长轴距车型将会有着更加傲人的车身尺寸。 另外,海外版车型将提供M Sport Package和M Sport Package Pro两款外饰选装包,进一步强化整车的运动感。 外观更运动,全新格栅会亮 全新一代5系和i5使用了相同的车身设计语言,造型更加动感,并富有力量感。 其中,全新的前脸布局极具辨识度,...
M Sport套件是新8 Series所有车型的标准配置,还赋予内饰以专注于驾驶乐趣的氛围。除了M皮革方向盘外,其他套件包括了煤灰色M车顶内衬、不锈钢M踏板、M驾驶脚踏板和专属地垫。发光的门槛饰条和仪錶盘中的萤幕分别带有BMW M车型铭文“M850i”和M标志。结合用于六缸车型的M Sports Package Pro和用于8缸车型的M Performa...
Series' natural habitat, and it devours corners with greater enthusiasm than the rival Audi A5 Coupe and Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe. That's true with the standard suspension and even more so with the M Sport adaptive suspension that you get with the optional M Sport Pro Package that we ...
Proving power comes in all sizes, the first BMW M2 Coupe arrives with a M TwinPower Turbo inline 6-cylinder engine and a specially adapted M sport chassis. BMW M4 GTS. Conceived for the racing circuit but perfected for road use, the BMW M4 GTS uses innovative water injection to achiev...
The M Sport Professional package ($1,050) comes with M Sport brakes, a rear spoiler, a BMW Iconic Glow kidney grille and blacked-out design elements. The Driving Assistance Professional package ($2,500) adds Active Driving Assistant Pro, Highway Assistant, adaptive cruise control, lane-keep...
在宝马推出更新的 2025 BMW 4 系双门轿跑车和敞篷车后不久,该公司提供了这些车型将可用的 M Performance 部件的一瞥。 虽然宝马只发布了配备 M Performance Parts 的2025 年 4 系车型后部的照片,但它指出,购物者可以订购带有 M Sport Package、M Sport Package Pro 和 M Carbon Exterior Package 的新车型作为工...
In conjunction with the M Sport Package Pro, the Launch Control function standard on the i5 M60 xDrive is also available for the i5 eDrive40. Extremely dynamic acceleration from standstill is enabled via precise coordination of the drive and traction control systems. High-voltage battery with comp...
M SPORT. 100% electric: the standard M Sport model includes an impressive range of equipment to enhance comfort, safety and driving pleasure such as: M Sport package with M leather steering wheel, M high-gloss Shadow Line, M roof rails high-gloss Shadow Line and illuminated door sills ...