Both 2 Series Coupe models offer available xDrive – an intelligent all-wheel drive system designed to give you more control in varying conditions by distributing power between wheels automatically. On the M240i models, standard M Sport Suspension and M Sport Differential put more power on the roa...
Embrace the thrill of driving with BMW's phenomenal 2025 2 Series Coupe with bold looks, and incredible technology. Explore all models and prices.
Of course, it wouldn't be an M car without a specially tuned suspension and various other chassis enhancements that help it to be the quickest version of the 2-series to circle a race circuit. We found the M2 to be nothing short of smile-inducing. Snapping into turns feels crispy, the...
新车配备M Sport座椅和M真皮方向盘,车门内衬、座椅等细节处还有压花或者缝线的点缀,LED氛围灯的轮廓也非常新颖。车辆还将支持哈曼卡顿音响、抬头显示、M Sport套装Pro等配置供用户选择。全新2系双门轿跑车的智能轻量化设计优化了车身刚性,减轻了车身重量,尤其是底盘的轻量化设计使得其拥有比前代车型更加敏捷灵活的...
Options: M Sport package (Shadowline exterior trim, M steering wheel, variable sport steering, M Sport suspension, aerodynamic kit), $3250; Premium package 2 (ambient lighting, Adaptive LED headlights, heated steering wheel and front seats, keyless entry, moonroof), $1950; Dynamic Handling package...
【4K | 展示】2024款 宝马 iX2 M Sport | BMW 宝马> BMW > X2 > 2024-04-22 01:40:174356播放 内容由作者提供,不代表易车立场网友评论 已有1 人参与评论 登录易车,写下您的槽点 你好! 发布 0/500 小鱼儿Badly 04-26 10 i系列是不是用电的? 举报 + 更多评论相关车型 宝马iX 74.69-...
自从双离合器变速箱的问世,亮眼的换挡速度、减少动力损耗的优点、高阶性能车与超跑们的标配、绝妙的加速性能,在在显示手排逐渐被众人们遗忘,但驾驶们总是还存在对变速档位的『自由控制强迫症』,对人与车之间的一体总是念念不忘,而这次BMW更是导入手排2 Series Coupe的220i M-Sport车型来满足车迷们胃口。
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足下标配 16 吋或 17 寸轮圈,可选配最大 19 吋。车尾灯造型更细,排气管集成在保险杠下方,让外观更加干净,同时也可加购 Luxury Line 或 M Sport 外观套件。内装完全焕然一新,与电动车 iX 同样配备一体式曲面荧幕,由 10.25 吋仪表盘和 10.7 吋信息娱乐系统组成,采用 iDrive 8 车载系统,中控台则是...