BMW explained Not really a propeller: the true story of the BMW logo BMW Vision Neue Klasse A new perspective on mobility BMW Vision Neue Klasse A new feeling of driving and owning a car BMW Vision Neue Klasse A new view of the world...
第七代的3系依然有向驾驶员倾斜的仪表台,依然有那种传承下来的特有的BMW内饰纹理,甚至气味都还是那么熟悉。但我坐进车内,蒙上logo怎么也不会想起这是一台3系。虽然这是7系遗留下来的家族设计,但当手动上链的机械表装上了屏幕,总感觉有点违和。可是,请原谅我再说一次,未来的买家真的会很喜欢这样。 很多朋友都...
The M Technology Package for the new BMW M135 xDrive also includes M High-gloss Shadowline exterior trim with extended elements, plus M Sport seats with integral head restraints and an illuminated M logo in the upper section of the backrests. In addition, from November 2024 all members of ...
Yellow trim provides a brilliant highlight to the kidney frame, brake calipers, and trunk, while the carbon roof with logo and signature leaves no questions regarding the namesake of VR46. A strapping interior. The M Carbon Fiber Bucket Seats in Night Blue Leather are complemented with Yello...
Car design round-up: Honda at CES, 33 Stradale, Pinin’s new logo By Car Design News Car Design News looks at some of the design stories that may have gone under the radar over the past week. Read on for the latest from Alfa Romeo, Honda, Pininfarina, Rolls-Royce and more… BMW ...
Fascination tactile Chez BMW, l’avenir est au toucher Un avenir lumineux Le concept d’éclairage pionnier de la BMW Vision Neue Klasse BMW Neue Klasse La mobilité individuelle entre dans une nouvelle ère BMW explained Une hélice, vraiment ? La vraie histoire du logo BMW English...
BMW Officially Introduces New Flat Logo For Use On Promotional Material, Not On Cars (Yet) BMW will stick with the old logo for cars and dealerships March 5, 2020 at 18:30 BMW Concept i4 Previews Production Model Coming In 2021 The BMW Concept i4 features an 80 kWh battery pack and ...
BMW M 1000 R : raffinement pour le roadster M Pour la saison suivante, la M 1000 R – ou M R - a été équipée d'un design plus dynamique avec le nouveau phare à LED à double flux dérivé des modèles RR et le...
宝马全新设计的 LOGO 凹陷在内,特别有立体感。 后包围硕大的下扩散器,预计能带来不俗的空气动力学效果。 从整体外观来看,宝马 i4 的设计承袭了传统 i 系列革新的设计理念,同时也融入了很多环保理念在里面。淡淡的古铜色颜色辅以磨砂漆的质感,凹凸有致的线条设计,无论是在灯光下还是在阳光下,相信都会光彩夺人。非...
蓝天白云 LOGO ,象征宝马给予厚望的新能源车,为全球用户带来更美好的拥有蓝天白云的生活。 前机盖上的筋线棱角分明,连接着前面的格栅,视觉效果非常突出。 两侧的气帘进口可以将空气导入到前轮拱处,提供更好的散热性能。 前脸下方的前唇,采用了撞色的黑色设计,很好的与整个前脸分离开来,降低了车头的视觉重心。