The i4-40 is a bit better for handling the curves because of the ~500 lbs savings in curb weight. Yeah he needs to try the e40 and stop the nonsense about an immersion chamber that’s just weak stereotype. My TM3 is great on twisty mountain roads and my brief i4 test drive was ju...
宝马i4 e40 这颜值简直了!2024 BMW i4 eDrive40 宝石青M运动满包 停车辅助包 豪华包续航可以到300英里 有了它再也不用去加油站了 #bmw #宝马 #宝马i4 #宝马i4edrive40 #洛杉矶生活 热榜推荐 华为新品亮相,向大众展示了新时代科技发展蓬勃的未来 #全球首款阔折叠华为PuraX #华为Pura正式发布#华为新品发布...