With new wheels the car really looked like a Baja BMW- H&R to the rescue: H&R Sport Springs for BMW M2 (G87) (P/N 28616-7) purchased from WCA Performance. BMW docs HERE on coil spring R&R, DD YouTube DIY guide HERE. I felt the audio missing a little something so I decided to ...
BMW G87 M2效果赞👍 通用车型 G80 M3 G82 M4
装车案例 BMW G87 M2 BBS LM 20寸双片锻造轮毂日本BBS最经典的大抛边轮毂,源自著名的勒芒赛事。日本BBS轮毂上海授权经销商,更多现货 欢迎了解
The new BMW M2 Coupé has both a sporty and individual design, thanks to its wide range of new paint finishes. Its powerful engine and precise chassis and suspension set-up underpin its motorsport pedigree. Discover all the model variants of the new BMW M2 Coupé, its equipment options and ...
BMW M2 G87聚会 以下是 BMW M2 G87 的参数:● 外观:相比普通 2 系,采用全新设计,空力学设计...
近日,由约格·魏丁格驾驶的新款BMW M2 G87以7分38秒71的成绩创造了纽北紧凑级轿车的新纪录,打破之前由奥迪RS 3保持的7分40秒748的单圈成绩。单从M2的成绩来看,上一代F87 M2的纽北圈速为7分52秒36,比G87慢了13秒以上。毕竟F87 M2C输出410马力,而G87则达到460马力。扭矩更不必说,F87需要4.1秒破百...
BMW M2 Coupé: Technical data of all models: Performance, measurements, fuel consumption and further specifications at a glance. Explore all specs and features.
智慧的每天前行 02-06 6 原厂的外观,然后屁股协调一下就是我心中m车型的t0了 举报 偷心的丶贼 02-06 尾灯我觉得可以加长一点,尾灯太短了 举报 回复本楼 用祖国万岁 02-06 在我心中m2最好的改装就是卖了买m4 举报 回复本楼 昕小瑞 02-03 10 新年快乐楼主 举报 + 更多评论相关...
近日,由约格·魏丁格驾驶的新款BMW M2 G87以7分38秒71的成绩创造了纽北紧凑级轿车的新纪录,打破之前由奥迪RS 3保持的7分40秒748的单圈成绩。 单从M2的成绩来看,上一代F87 M2的纽北圈速为7分52秒36,比G87慢了13秒以上。毕竟F87 M2C输出410马力,而G87则达到460马力。扭矩更不必说,F87需要4.1秒破百,而...
【动力输出】3.0T S58机皇发动机,不用多说,动力随踩随到,这一代的M2开起来非常之稳定,几乎没有...