A Craigslist seller in Mountain View has listed a BMW they claim once belonged to Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and his wife Laurene. Aug 12, 2015 Electric Vehicle Need Longer Range Capability To Fully Charge The Market Car buyers want more out of electric vehicles before jumping into the marke...
It was around this time that I came across a very sad 525iT which was just listed for sale locally on Craigslist. With several feet of snow piling up during a tough New England winter, there wasn’t much to do but indulge in the pastime we all love: browsing online car ads for old ...
Here’s an e24 that I wouldn’t mind owning, for sale on CraigsList in Bloomington, MN. A 1988635CSiwith a 5-speed, in red. It’s an ’88, which means it’s equipped with the211hp M30B35. It hit’s all my happy spots, with one exception; even though the ad is a little shor...
There is a dead-perfect example of this car on craigslist Tampa for 35K . It’s been on there for a year probably. I am surprised this car is getting so much bidding interest. Personally I find the car interesting, and have seen other restored examples, but as a collector car that you...