F650ST F650CS F650GS F650 DAKAR F700GS F750GS/850GS F800R F800S F800ST F800GS 08 on and 13 on F800 Adventure F800GT F900GS, F900 Adventure, F800GS F900R/XR Footpeg lowering kits Fuse panels G310R/G310GS Garmin accessories GiVi accessories ...
The BMW F650’s F800 series-derived twin was a simple answer to more gentle and progressive power delivery, due to softer cams. With a heap of low-down grunt, the F650GS was still generally far better than most with no reported problems either. BMW F800GS Engine: 8v parallel twin, 6 ...
Trevor's BMW F650 website (UK) BMW tall screen which is a modest improvement over the stock screen. Causes some buffeting though this is less noticeable with my new helmet (Shoei). BMW tall screen doesn't seem very popular. jus The "Tall" BMW shield is not too tall for anyone! My...
Australasian distributor of Aeroflow windscreens and fairings for BMW motorcycles, models include R1100GS, R1100RS, K100/1100RS, F650, R1100RT, K75S, 1200 Cruiser and K1200 coming early 1998. 1998.05.06 Affordable Beemer Services LLC 640 Mast Road Manchester, NH USA +1 (603) 673-3120 ...